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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

SBY MSP: Missing Person in Salisbury **LOCATED**


  1. Prayers for Zachery's safety and well being.

  2. Prayer's for Zachery's safety and well being.

  3. what is somerset county doing owning and running a disability need home in wicomico county?

  4. It should also be noted the ‘some’ have anger issues and have super human strength! I said some, not all.

  5. thank the Lord he was found!

  6. There is no reason why a center in Somerset cannot have a group home in Wicomico. Running around hoping they'll find him before having to call the police is a bad idea.If he forced his way out the staff should have called the police immediately.I've seen 98lb women assigned to 200lb males too many times.

  7. This guy was 23 years old. This house is a ongoing problem for the neighborhood. They hang out in the streets, yelling obscenities to people walking by and while riding bikes. One person living there saw a girl come home from school, went to the house, trying to say he was selling pizza for a fund raiser. The girl shut the door and called her mother. The mother went to the home and told the owner, Keep your people in their own yard. This so called “safe house” needs to move elsewhere. The neighborhood is a good neighborhood, and this house is nothing but trouble.

  8. October 22, 2019 at 12:17 PM WTF , can you speak english and form proper sentences?

    The only reason they have it here is because no one wants it there in their neighborhood. Its somerset county money, serve your community. why are they using their funds to serve wicomico county.


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