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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

GOP Senator Argues Impeachment Is Dem Leadership’s Way Of Telling The American People ‘You’re Stupid’

Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) criticized House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Saturday for using an impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump as a way to undo the 2016 presidential election which Democrats suggest was wrongly decided by the American people.

“When I watch the House impeachment proceedings I am both perplexed and appalled,” Kennedy told Fox News host Neil Cavuto. “Here is what I hear Speaker Pelosi and [House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff] saying to the American people: ‘You’re stupid and we are smart.’ I hear them saying to the American people, ‘you are so stupid you can’t govern yourselves.’ I hear them saying ‘you are so stupid that you chose President Trump over Secretary Clinton and we have got to fix it for you.’ I hear them saying ‘you are so stupid we are not even going to show you the evidence, you can’t handle it. We are going to do all of this behind closed doors and then tell you what we are going to do.'”

“I find that appalling. I find it perplexing because I read all these stories about Speaker Pelosi and what an extraordinarily talented politician she is and how she’s a strategic thinker and major tactician and I think to myself, does she really believe the American people are going to fall for this?” he continued. “I know that Speaker Pelosi is a smart lady — she’s not dumb, but if this were anybody else I would be thinking to myself it must suck to be that dumb.”



  1. How could you possibly interpret it that way? The proceedings are showing Trumps disregard for the emoluments clause as well as his use of office for personal and political gain.

    1. They are not following proper inpeachment procedures

    2. Good but I’m still voting for him.

  2. I'm rubber ,..you're glue , what you say bounces off me and sticks to you. Childish

  3. 1039, because your selective moral outrage regarding "use of office for personal and political gain" doesn't extend to the Bidens, Clintons, O'Malley, Pelosi...etc.

    There are 2 types of politicians: 1) The corrupt 2) Those yet to be corrupted.

    1. BOOM! You hit that one right on the mark!!!

  4. And you really think that the Trump family is not corrupt? You live in a cave

    1. Read again. This time for comprehension. How many types of politicians?

  5. She grew up watching how to flim flam the public.


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