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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Salisbury Mayoral Debate 10-24-19


  1. I'm amazed at how easy and natural the lies spewed out of Jake Day's mouth

    1. Jake the snake's days are numbered

  2. I hope Me King RIPS Day a New one.

  3. Fake day you are a liar and a fraud with bs numbers. GE coming to Salisbury is another one of your lies and you know it. Your phony henchmen laugh and interrupt when your opponent had something to say. You are just like the deranged democrats in Washington. Mr. King did not bring anyone in the audience to laugh whenever you said lie after lie. The downtown re-emerged around 2010 when I lived there. Less than 10 years later, it’s back to a crime ridden ....hole.

  4. It won't matter who's mayor here it will just be a shift to the opposite butt hurt do nothing complainers and business as usual for the property owners and developers. The winning voters will feel justified just like the Presidential election and support blindly whomever pandered to them as nothing new happens.
    This local down home game was lots 20 years ago when everyone decided they wanted a sprawling faux suburb resembling Glen Burnie. Well look around YOU GOT IT. Isn't it down home and wholesome. LOL

  5. That TV host who cut off king is a POS .

  6. I challenge everyone who reads this blog and thinks for themselves, to fact check Jake's statements and figures he throws out there about the city's successes. I was there and have watched it again tonight these are his points they really cry out for follow up #1 Regular neighborhood relations meetings when & where? #2 43 % reduction in crime? #3. No SPD officer has left in the last 24 months, due to Barbara Duncan? #4. 40 years Fitzwater Street flooding not fixed and what has he done to correct it during his term? #5. The businesses that have left Main Street have planned to return after construction? #6 #6 he states there is no such thing as a livability percentage? #7 153,000 attended the festival this year? He needs to throw away his crystal ball, he really can't walk and chew gum at the same time!

  7. CRIME is through the roof in Danbury and fake day is hiding behind SNOWFLAKES.

  8. Mr King great job got our vote X 4

  9. Jake will and is turning Salisbury into a sanctuary City.

  10. What none of you see or know is that jake's gang is the progressive party and they were all there. Michele (section 8) Gregory, Ben and Sarah (phone spoofing) Rayne, Jared Schlabein, Seamus Benn and Jamal Gould and Timothy (I hate whitey) Sheppard.

    You lap dogs are blind to the fact that this is the party propping up Jake, they run his campaign.

    Playing this non-partisan game is dangerous and of course Jake supports it 100% because if it were part of the platform he would lose. If he had to answer to the fact that he really is a progressive, and he is, he would lose.

    He is also not staying his full term. He is using you for his next step. Why else would the selfie king be spending so much time on the Western shore, being groomed and propped up by his losing political ilk, like Michael Welker and on his new selfie campaign with other western democrats.

    You think it is a coincidence he is hanging out with the likes of foxwell and on his "I hate Culver" campaign. A sitting podunk mayor of a ghetto trash talking on a county executive?

    Wake up.

  11. Me King did OK 6/10 I feel he was a bit unprepared but word is Jake day KNEW what the questions where look how he looked down for his rebuttal, Ask Joe if the city is run by snakes and lib dirtbags ?

  12. This town is full of stupid people.
    I cant believe how stupid, with an inability to read between the lines.

    "added 2700 job" = in retail, retail jobs, and his administration had nothing to do with it, he didn't create jobs, wawa and royal farms did. Anyone else see anything but retail built?

    "fastest highest wages in america" = that whats jake said. Now you know why you have 30% poverty because your wages here are so low there was no where to go but up

    "43% reduction in crime - no, 43% in reclassified crime to make the place look better for SU.

    "hundreds of homes built" - umm, no there were only 11 single family home permits pulled this year and 15 last year. Huge lie there jake

    "millions of dollars in construction" - 4 years later and 106 million in debt, what have you got people other than bike lanes and a non useful fake amphitheater?

    "more bars and restaurants downtown than ever" - did downtown just begin to exist? decades ago before you were born it was a busy place. for over 50 years it has not and taxpayers have spent 100's of millions revitalizing this money pit. How much more are you going to waste on this useless project? this is all he knows. It would be beyond his pea brain to find another purpose for that square block.

    Did I mention the 106 million in loans the city has? So after this is all said and done and your are paying higher taxes out the yingyang who is going to have money to go downtown on their minimum wage job earnings and 1200 a / month rent?

  13. King is not a polished turd like jake.
    get past that and listen to his message.

  14. Jake Day has lied so much for so long he believes his own BS. He is NOT good for Salisbury. He needs to go!

  15. Trust me we want Duncan gone. Have since day one, another broken promise by Day. I really hate seeing him at roll call. That big fake grin and hey lets get lunch sometime and shoot some hoops BS while he pats you on the back and can't even remember your name.

    1. Hahaha. You want Duncan gone?? Why?? Day is her boss. What the boss says goes. PERIOD. What about Lewis GONE?? THEY GO HAND IN HAND. You can't blame one and not the other.

  16. The debate should be held on Waverly Drive. You can only answer a question when a bicyclist goes by.

    1. That's funny, there are no bicycles on Waverly Drive but the road built for registered vehicles is prepared for thousands of bicycles

  17. Anonymous said...
    I'm amazed at how easy and natural the lies spewed out of Jake Day's mouth

    October 24, 2019 at 5:34 PM

    What amazed me, even more, was the many a$$holes that laughed and giggled at Wayne King. Those Douche Bags really drank the Kool-Aid and sadly many of them were Republicans.

    If you Jack A$$es that supported Jake I will unfriend you because you have a mental illness.

    1. Ben Rayne is also a terrible musician. He’s another Salisbury all star loser. I’m unfriending any of these ass clowns that may be “friends on social media.”

  18. MR KING brought up a great point about felonies are being dropped to misdomenoers to keep the crime stats down.... HEY FAKE DAY why not take a tour at 2 am in da hood WITHOUT the Pizza police u POS.

  19. That egghead needs to go, with his lying a$$!!!! I know who I'm voting for.

  20. Barbara DUNCECAN needs to be the FIRST out the front FN door.

  21. Barb's start putting in ur job applications maybe Baltimore his hiring.

  22. Get this POS Fake Day out!

  23. Not sure about King reading, should have been a little more than just reading.

  24. Is is just me but Day's answers seem a little too perfect for the questions meaning prior knowledge to this debate? Not buying this. He is a snake!

  25. I think to sum it up.... Salisbury is a sh*thole...anyone that lives there and pays attention knows this. Why there are people out there that vote for this failure based on eloquently spoken lies and tall tales, is beyond me. But, I guess there is a reason the city is a complete dump. Embrace the garbage, lift these members of the community up to the point where everyone else leaves. "It's happening"

    1. Minimum wage jobs and catering to the “historic” district where police randomly get shot at from between houses...”Its Happening.”

  26. You know that Wayne King won't get a fair shake at the polls after witnessing the obvious deceit with allowing Day to have prior knowledge of the questions presented. Kind of easy to pass the test when you are given all the answers prior to the test. Jake your day will eventually come. Your nothing but a poser

  27. Well I'd like to thank Jake Day for making my dream a reality. Riding my bicycle down Zebra Hump Drive to my new job at Krispy creme donuts which is going to save the impoverished people of Salisbury. Soon this town will be the booming metropolis that God intended when he created the downtown plaza in 6 days. And went to the brick room for a brewski on the 7th. Thank you for putting Jake Day in Salisbury in your image. With his fig leaf haircut and girded loins.

  28. When slumlords are charging over 1000.00 per month for rent to a dilapidated house or apartment and will not repair anything that makes Salisbury a no buy zone. Then you got Jake allowing one place to buy up all of Salisbury for pennies on a dollar is disgusting. Is he getting a kick-back??? Sorry but I disagree all Section 8 properties are slums. That depends on who is managing the complexes and monitoring who they have living in them. The need for Section 8 is here because the pay to people in the city is not comparable to the rents charged in the city.

    1. Bingo! Wishing Mr King success!


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