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Sunday, October 27, 2019

A Viewer Writes.........Fight at Bennett Middle School Today 10-24-19

Apparently there was another fight at Bennett Middle School this morning and according to a social media page where a lot of parents are commenting, they were told pepper spray was deployed again.


  1. WTH!! When is Bob Culver and the County Council going to do something about Donna Hanlin and the BOE's lack of concern? When is the BOE going to get rid of that lame a$$ Superintendent? There have been multiple fights and crime under her watch. How many more employees are going to get arrested for drugs and sexual abuse of a child. This is all under Donna Hanlin's watch and the Board of Education members need to terminate her contract instead of praising her. There was never this much turmoil under Dr. Fredericksen and he was worthless as well.

    1. Really. Fredericksen? He was such a jerk. Loved to intimidate them so hired them, promoted them and then made them miserable.

  2. All the WCBOE is going to do is say these poor thugs needs is more hugs and compassion. Then they will not hold the Principals accountable. Then they will keep hiring more irresponsible, not qualified people. HOGAN is the one basically in charge of the WCBOE. HOGAN is still allowing schools to fail

    1. So true. It's the kids not the admin. The admin at BMS can only do so much. Awesome admin.

  3. 12:34 - Bob Culver and the council have no say so here - if you have an issue, call the state board of ed

  4. Bob Culver and the County Council have no say so in school operations - try calling the esteemed Dr yourself at their little palace and tell her what you think

  5. 12:34, how are these kids fighting her fault? I ask this all the time. Are these her kids? She is under the direct charge of the MD BOE and the Fed BOE, she takes orders and implements them. I do not believe there is a legal way to stop the fighting/violence at the schools unless it comes from the fed. Until then, hands are tied.

    1. It is because she coddles the kids until they kill or make some other kid or teacher. Mor concequences needed and mor harsh actions.

  6. This crap is not her fault. It is like running a zoo without cages.Many teachers retired out of fear of being attacked or arrested for defending themselves.Teachers deserve combat pay.Bring back a boot camp for under 16 and kick the older ones out. We are going to need more juvenile detention centers and prisons.

    1. I say put retired cops and Veterans in the halls and cafeterias! This way the teachers can stay in their classes a d teach and the retirees can cover class switching a d lunch shifts. They can also be available if a thing happens in the rooms. They want to act like idiots, have those schools patrolled a d policed! The teachers can't put their hands on a kid but these guys can. They don't want an education, not them out if they are over 16 or to Choices if they're under! Then when they are being idiots, the police can get in on it and throw their unintelligible asses in jail. I'm sick of teachers and admin being blamed. It's these kids parents fault that they act like assholes. The DOJ has virtu6tied the BOEs hands by using the "R" word. Racism do6count anymore because everybody claims it. I garage Hanlin isn't the best. They need someone in that position who has balls to actually fight the higher ups to help get this mess fixed! They paid a ton of money to have Ron Clark come and speak to the County and aren't instilling any of it. He has a similar population and his s hool is nothing like these! It's shit or get off the pot time folks!

  7. The problem boils down to one thing... discipline. The kids don't get it at home or at school. So, if one kid acts out in school and nothing is done all the kids see that there are no consequences. Kids in elementary school are getting away with fighting, hitting teachers, bad language and throwing chairs and nothing is done. You have a school board that is clueless about what is happening in the classroom and leadership that is either unwilling or unable to solve the problem.

  8. Obama didn't want these kids punished. Just let them be. Hmmm, how's that working?

    1. He was clueless and all for the little black kids. Poor little thug has a bad home life so let him be. Well let him be and he grows up and kills someone.

  9. WCBOE is only interested in the money they get from the government. The bad kids and their parents are never held accountable for any of the bad behavior. Schools are now just glorified babysitters. Very little teaching happens. I hear stories from my kid every day about crap that goes on. Saggy pants for the guys, boobs and butt cheeks hanging out on the girls. Disrespect to all staff and fellow students. Extremely foul mouths. Don't believe it? Go to any high school and take a look for yourself. This is part of the reason for restricted access. Makes it harder for parents to really know what's going on. Students are threatened with suspension for putting videos on social media showing fights or other unacceptable behaviors.

  10. Don't need schools. They are only a place to put your kid till you get out of work. The dumber they are the better. The Democrats live it . It's easier to get votes.

  11. This should be handled by the police. These are the breeding stock for future criminals. Stop it at the outset. Penalties for lawbreakers. Get used to the system, If you break the law, you have to pay. Parents responsible for their children"s torts..Right?

  12. Keep on pepper spraying, maybe pretty soon they'll learn that you don't fight in school

  13. We all know who the fighters and troublemakers are.

  14. Call in the national guard! Call it feral extermination.

  15. Let's see, you are not able to control your disruptive kids so you send them to school and expect the school system to do your job. Sounds about right. Then you hide in a blog and want to crucify the school system because you're a screw-up. Sounds about right too. What do you say if the school system just expels your kid for the rest of the year, set them behind at least a year and have the Department of Social Service investigate you and your failed parenting? Wouldn't that be just great!

  16. 1:08 pm
    As husband of a teacher, my wife told me that teachers and a school administrators are not allowed to rightfully punish the kids. I blame the BOE for this. No accountability.

  17. it's the state board of ed's policies and they are more concerned about the school to prison pipeline that will eventually catch up to these thugs, then they are about the regular kids, you don't matter!
    The whole wcboe board is the problem. all good demonrats! right fitz, fulton? been there forever!


  18. BOE is still shackled by Obama DOJ consent order. There have always been some fights and scuffles in schools, but there used to be consequences that were real and swiftly applied. No longer.

    Lots of contributors to the downward spiral in behavior; we know the symptoms. The community needs to make its feelings known, and then the BOE needs to knock heads with the State BOE and the Feds to get the ability to actually manage the miscreants.

  19. I spoke to a BOE member tonight about this and she didn't seem to give a rats a$$. Well I guess I won't give a rats a$$ about her when I go to vote next time.

  20. Public school doesn’t work anymore

  21. I keep seeing, "it's the kids, it's not the teachers". It's actually the liberals! You don't want them spanked, you think they should all be given a trophy, blah blah blah. You were all for Obama being president and THIS is a direct result. He made it so you can't punish any minority that is causing problems. I don't care what a persons color is. If they are causing problems there should be a punishment instead of just a slap on the wrist. You want your liberal agenda taught in schools, now you can deal with the consequences. I do not feel a bit sorry for ANY liberal teacher. This is your karma.

  22. Northwest Woodsman: Let’s just start calling it Bennett Correctional Facility and call the students inmates. My poor father taught there back in the 70s and he would be horrified.

  23. I left that county 15 years ago after I had taught 10 years in that system – the whole thing is a train wreck and unfixable at this point

  24. We have an elected BOE. I watch their meetings on PAC 14. It looks like a MAC Center for 70 yr. olds. We need parents of school children to run and be elected. Change the BOE meetings to evenings so working people can participate. Hanlin has these old BOE members eating out of her hand.

  25. The good students need to start whipping some azz. The school will not help them, so taking matters in their own hands seems to be the answer. Knock those thugs around and they will soon get the point. Let them know they are not the tough guys they think they are. Give them an attitude adjustment.

    1. I want my kid to be able to learn in a comfortable environment to cultivate his brain so he’ll have a comfortable life not to be part of a blood sport . This isn’t school it’s abuse

  26. I am glad to see other people finally commenting about using the National Guard to help with fixing troubled schools.

  27. Everyone should have to experience pepper spray like they do in military training and police academies.The age at which they experience this should not be a factor.

  28. Northwest Woodsman: I can only guess who the perpetrators of this school violence are. This mess began with Marxist democrat initiated and promoted legislation in 1964. We find it necessary to segregate convicted criminals from society by securing them in prisons. I would say that those students who are perpetuating this school violence also need to be segregated from students who want a chance for a decent education. The current situation only allows for constant disruption and violence by those who don’t want to be there and don’t have the mental abilities to absorb any academic instruction. Segregating those disruptive individuals is the only answer. Fifty years of this experiment in inclusion, affirmative action and multiculturalism has obviously been a total failure and starting with the public education system, needs to be revamped. Even blacks recognize this and from my experience of visiting schools and colleges all over the country, blacks already self-segregate and hang out with members of their own race in locations like cafeterias, dining halls and student unions. It is a natural tendency to want to associate of others like yourself and forcing integration has not and will not work. Sorry for those facts and I really don’t care if it offends your sensibilities. Time has come to upset this stupid apple cart.

  29. I've heard that Monday will be much worse.


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