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Sunday, October 13, 2019

Salisbury EMS Dispatched to Salisbury Middle School 10-8-19

Salisbury EMS has been dispatched to Salisbury Middle School due to a a child with difficulty breathing. Pepper spray has been sprayed in the cafeteria.

UPDATE: A second ambulance has been dispatched to the school 


  1. The little thugs must be at it again. Way to go Jake Day, stay the Hell out of our schools. Every time Jake Day goes to our schools another little Democrat is indoctrinated.

  2. It's a middle school and they are kids. Why are kids so bad these days.

  3. Close all the public schools! Make ppl either send their children to private schools or home school them.
    Lol..everything I was taught in school is wrong now anyways! Google

    1. Yeah, because nothing goes on in private schools.

    2. Yea but you’re not forced by the government to keep the violent ones

  4. More out of control behaviors, I am shocked. Shocked, I tell you.

  5. Hey 1:31 , they have NO parents , they have NO education in Wicomico county( passing grades without any knowledge ) , they have NO rules that are enforced , they have NO religion , they don't know the difference between right and wrong they have NO values . Does that answer your question ? The entire country is like that after 8 years of obama rule.

    By the way they are not kids , as you put it . They are young trash getting ready for a life of crime and worshiping obama .

  6. well 1:52, LOL, not everyone has the money for private school. Have you seen some of the parents? What exactly do you think they are going to teach the kids?

    My parents were poor and my Mom couldn't even finish high school herself ,but that was not my fault. Private or home-school, would have left me with no options at all.

    I do agree that the education was better than it is now, though. These kids have ZERO chance!

  7. Donna Hanlin please resign, better yet, Don Fitzgerald ask her to resign or maybe you should resign!

    1. All the HARLINS are progressives,

      and hate the United states Constitution

  8. When I was in middle school there was no such thing as police and pepper spray in our schools.

  9. How can a child purchase pepper spray? We need common sense pepper spray laws for children. WE ARE BETTER

    1. It wasn’t a child who had the spray

    2. exactly... these parents have no knowledge on the situation but always have to add their two

  10. SCHOOL VOUCHERS SCHOOL VOUCHERS SCHOOL VOUCHERS..take back our education system..I want a say in how tax dollars are spent and who gets the money

  11. This is disgusting. They have no home training, yet parents still have ZERO accountability.

  12. I would love to know what Paladin thinks.
    Here is my 2 cents. Start disciplining without regards to race or whatever, just discipline the children who need it. Lets get rid of the quiet rooms and throw down the gauntlet. Children these days are not stupid, they will see that acting out of line/order has consequences, and will get with the program. Or you can keep dismissing this type of behavior and wait for the next event to happen. Personally, I am tired of hearing about crap like this, it is status quo anymore.

    1. My nephew in PA had fines set up through the juvenile court system set up in the schools up there. Big money $300 + fines and non payment consequences. No one dares to fight in school up there

  13. What do you expect parents??? You've been warned for YEARS and you still chose this way to Indoctrinate. STUPID at best.

    1. Another one hits the head on the nail 5:12 & 2:31

  14. Believe it or not, supposedly this is not the first time pepper spray has been used at this school this school year. When you get out of control and don't listen to requests to control yourself this is what you get.

  15. Small neighborhood schools would eliminate the need for buses, would make the schools closer to the local community and the parents.
    Smaller neighborhood schools would also eliminate the need for all the bureaucracy and related corruption that the large mega campuses bring.

    1. Great idea 7:05 .... but where will the money for knew schools come from ?

  16. It's all because parents aren't allowed to discipline the kids anymore. A good old butt whipping would stop alot of this, but now a days you would be locked up.

  17. I am a stem parent of an eighth grader at sms. My son shared with me today’s events . I want to thank SRO Dolgus and the sms staff for a job very well done and handled very professionally. The Sro had to use of force to keep all parties safe and defuse the situation. The deputy did everything by the book and followed all policies and procedures to keep all the staff and students safe. The staff under leadership of Mr. Dunn did an amazing job talking with the kids after the incident. My son shared it was disused in his stem English class and all the students were kept safe and had time to process it all with the teacher. The parents were kept informed throughout the day into the evening. Great job sms and wicomico Sherri’s office. Remember wcboe administrators stupid is not a disability and you need to make these students disappear and find alternative learning. To the parents that are Monday morning quarter backing please walk in law enforcement/ public safety shoes for one day and see the real stuff we face day in and day out...

  18. EASY FIX PEOPLE. ill whisper it this time psssst ....scholl vouchers

  19. Throw off the chains of the feds and state BOE BS..that should be first order of bussiness. Second set ridgid core standards, third open reform schools back up..fourth state funds reform schools, fifth, vouchers cover the schools that survive..

    i like 7;05 idea. Vouchers could grow that idea. Then the Current indoc centers can be remodeled as reform schools.

  20. Dear readers,

    In regards to this issue, and the comments from 4:31, I have a few thoughts on this matter.

    The facts, content and context certainly need to be considered. COMAR prohibits the possession of pepper spray by a minor (under 18). It is also illegal to provide pepper spay to a minor in Maryland.

    Once the above facts have been clarified, the law is clear on the matter; Either this was a situation of self defense, or an aggressive action meant to harm and injure another. The legal consequences would include how the minor came into possession of the spray (i.e. , a parent/guardian over the age of 18 providing the spray for self defense.) The school code of conduct would allow for the Principal to suspend the student for 5 days, and could request 5 more days from the relevant senior administrator (like an Assistant Supt. of Student Services or the like). The student would also be charged and taken into custody by police (and remanded to juvenile justice), and the relevant charges would be applied.

    The law stipulates that a police officer, in the discharge of their duties, MAY use pepper spray, but this would certainly be examined very thoroughly. If the situation was such that there was significant risk to the officer(s) and/or others, the officer may certainly discharge the spray in an effort to bring order. The officer may not be heavy handed just for the sake of doing so.

    Now, with all of that said, I refer back to the law and the intent. Would it be reasonable for a 5'2" female staff member to use pepper spray to defend herself from one or more larger students attacking her? Would it be reasonable for a 6'4" male PE teacher to do the same? Would it be reasonable for a 13 year old female to spray another student who was attacking her? Again, it all comes down to context.

    I have personally witnessed the complete breakdown of the family unit, and the very drastic effects this has on children and our schools and communities. Proactive parenting has all but evaporated in many segments of our society, and more and more out of control youth come socially and academically ill prepared to school. The last decade has seen a drastic decline in self control and appropriate school behavior in Wicomico County. Ever since the Obama era mandate, school staff have found themselves in positions where they are unable to enforce any consequences, as the offending student's parents and/or senior staff are either unwilling or unable to support them. I remember Dr. Handy once saying to the school administrators at the time to "Take back their schools" and then in the next week, over rule three Principal's who suspended elementary students for very dangerous conduct, leaving the administrators and school staff totally demoralized. Likewise, I have directly witnessed many situations where parents were very justifiably outraged when little or no consequence was given to a miscreant student harming their children.

    In this situation, the facts are crucial, and if who ever used the spray did so in a purposeful and deliberate manner, then severe consequences would be necessary. There is no excuse at all for anyone to use pepper spray in any circumstance other than justified self defense and/or protecting others.

    Unfortunately, the facts are very unlikely to be released to the public, as the school system is required by law to not violate confidentiality. Law enforcement can attend to this differently than school systems can, but even then the full picture of events is unlikely to be shared for a great many, and very justifiable, reasons.

    To close, yes, there are very disruptive and dangerous students in schools who endanger others. I am quite certain that the administration and staff at SMS is doing everything they can, but very strong reaction from Dr. Hanlin is needed to not only set an example, but also to maintain safety of all students.



  21. Fire Donna Hanlin. She is not capable of running the schools and is doing a piss poor job. She needs to go!

  22. 2:45 PM why should Donna Hanlin resign. She wasn't fighting in school.

  23. It's 11:15pm and I have a feeling the Daily Rag stole your news tip. Your story was at least 9 hours ago and theirs was 6

    Delmarva Now - Daily Times
    6 hrs ·
    The school said safety personnel used pepper spray as a means of reaching "a quick and safe resolution."

  24. Anonymous said...
    I am a stem parent of an eighth grader at sms. My son shared with me today’s events . I want to thank SRO Dolgus and the sms staff for a job very well done and handled very professionally. The Sro had to use of force to keep all parties safe and defuse the situation. The deputy did everything by the book and followed all policies and procedures to keep all the staff and students safe. The staff under leadership of Mr. Dunn did an amazing job talking with the kids after the incident. My son shared it was disused in his stem English class and all the students were kept safe and had time to process it all with the teacher. The parents were kept informed throughout the day into the evening. Great job sms and wicomico Sherri’s office. Remember wcboe administrators stupid is not a disability and you need to make these students disappear and find alternative learning. To the parents that are Monday morning quarter backing please walk in law enforcement/ public safety shoes for one day and see the real stuff we face day in and day out...

    October 8, 2019 at 7:55 PM

    WTF did you just say??

    1. No wonder some of these kids are so stupid. Their parents can't read and write.

  25. Roscoe said...
    All the HARLINS are progressives,

    and hate the United states Constitution

    October 8, 2019 at 6:51 PM


  26. Anonymous said...
    How can a child purchase pepper spray? We need common sense pepper spray laws for children. WE ARE BETTER

    October 8, 2019 at 2:49 PM

    Oh Lord... Are you serious?

    1. The deputy sprayed it and rightfully so. 2 females fighting like they were in a caged match and would not stop for nothing.

    2. Pepper spray doesn't spray itself. People spray pepper spray. Don't take away my right to spray.

  27. Anonymous said...
    EASY FIX PEOPLE. ill whisper it this time psssst ....scholl vouchers

    October 8, 2019 at 7:56 PM

    WTH is a 'scholl vouchers?"

    Maybe you should speak louder next time.

    1. Maybe you should learn how to spell school before you whisper anything.

    2. Hey everyone grammer nazi libtards are on a roll on here today. Cell phones and fat fingers cause mistake..so get over yourself..did you get the drift of the comment? or are you just a pompous overeducated idiot who is scared that SCHOOL VOUCHERS will dry up your scam?

  28. Anonymous said...
    Throw off the chains of the feds and state BOE BS..that should be first order of bussiness. Second set ridgid core standards, third open reform schools back up..fourth state funds reform schools, fifth, vouchers cover the schools that survive..

    i like 7;05 idea. Vouchers could grow that idea. Then the Current indoc centers can be remodeled as reform schools.

    October 8, 2019 at 8:02 PM

    This makes too much sense, but it works for me.

  29. Anonymous said...
    Great idea 7:05 .... but where will the money for knew schools come from ?

    October 8, 2019 at 10:41 PM


  30. Anonymous said...
    2:45 PM why should Donna Hanlin resign. She wasn't fighting in school.

    October 8, 2019 at 10:14 PM

    Are you really that dumb???

  31. The districts schools are out of control the board and hanlan need to go. How much more can the citizens put up with?

  32. The school system is the problem. When it started allowing "special needs" and no child left behind to rule the roost thats when the shh storm began and now we have a full on disaster/mutany. Old school teachers are few. These new ones are scared of the kids and have no backing authority. Kids need structure and consistent pattern. They are only doing what they are allowed to do. I have evidence the environment of classic teachers vs young ones and a troubled child thrives, behaves and learns in a classic ones class. Ask any child who has had teacher s like Ms. Townsend or Mrs. Gregory at North Salisbury if their room was chaotic, even with "special needs" children. Good kids love them cause they have peace & no worries about distraction.

  33. Speaking of Salisbury Middle School, another ambulance was dispatched there for a 13 y/o seizure patient on 10/10/19 at 11:10 am. The responding ambulance was told by Central that the Sheriff's Office that CPR was performed and the child is now breathing.

    WTF!!! Who the Hell performs CPR on a child with seizures??? Sounds like someone needs to take some serious medical training and gain some experience! This is crazy!

  34. Anonymous said...
    The deputy sprayed it and rightfully so. 2 females fighting like they were in a caged match and would not stop for nothing.

    October 9, 2019 at 6:56 AM


    But sadly the school is saying "public safety officials" sprayed the pepper spray. Who are public safety officials? The only ones there was the Deputy so call them a deputy.

  35. While I am certainly no fan of Jake Day, you can’t blame him for what kids do. That’s the parents’ sole responsibility. Had they been reared with rules, scruples, coda of behaviors acceptable to society at large, they wouldn’t be running around acting like street thugs. Sorry but if you let your kid go out in public in prison height pants meaning they’re walking around with their ass hanging out, then chances are that kid will be experiencing the experience he/she wishes. Prison. Parents should start being held accountable for their kids’ bullying and violence. They end up with criminal negligence themselves and have to go face the judges in this town, you’ll see a huge reduction of criminal behavior as most, not all, will right their kids’ ships real fast.


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