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Sunday, October 13, 2019

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 10-10-19

Anonymous said...

I taught in Wicomico County for 8 years and left due to the lack of support from admin. A student in my class tried to turn in field trip money the day of our trip, after having a month and a half to turn it in, and I told him no. He became so mad that he told me he was going to stab me in my pregnant stomach and kill my baby. He threw chairs at me, cussed, and stormed out the room looking for a knife. He was only taken out of my room after a few days because I requested a threat assessment where they determined he was indeed a threat to my safety. But he wasn't punished because he refused to go to ISS (which they only assigned him a half day of because who really cares about a student who threatened to murder me and my baby right?) and nobody did anything. Admin also ignored my request to move him out of my group during a back to school night the week after the knife incident so I was left in the same room with him that night. His mother complained that I was going to deny him the right to go on the field trip and they actually let him go anyway. My teammate's classroom was destroyed by a student and my teammate had to clean it up instead of the student. A student walked out of my co-teacher's classroom after tearing things off her wall on a daily basis and nothing was done. Another student roamed the halls, ran in classrooms and spit on teacher desks, and PEED IN THE HALLWAY and since the mother threatened to sue if anyone touched her son all admin did was follow him around all day . ADMINISTRATION WAS USELESS!! My new school in a different state has a contract both parents and students must sign and students are booted from the school if they do not behave. I was about to quit teaching and am so thankful I gave it one more shot somewhere new. They have got to bring back consequences and demanding respect. Wicomico County is a joke. October 9, 2019 at 6:05 PM


  1. Great post. Unfortunately, I don’t find it surprising. What level were you teaching at?

  2. Teachers,
    Why is the Wicomico County Education Association and the Maryland State Education Association ( teacher’s union) silent on this matter? Shouldn’t they be protecting your right to work in a safe environment? Why do you pay them if they do not advocate for you? Shouldn’t the lack of discipline be a priority for your union to address? Please teachers explain why they are silent.

  3. This is true. My daughter taught in Dorchester for 8 years, then moved to Wicomico. That was her biggest complaint with Wicomico. The administration's lack of interest or control of just about any situation. Believe these teachers when they tell their stories. My daughter no longer teaches in Wicomico.

  4. My children thrived in public school in another state. Within two years of moving to Salisbury, we found it necessary to remove our children from the horrible Wicomico public schools and enroll them in a private school, where again, they thrived.

  5. WOW, what a shame. God Bless you and your baby. Teachers are a special gift from God. So happy you could relocate and continue your career. Thanks for sharing this information. Hopefully we see more experiences like this so the public can be better educated with the TRUTH.

  6. We have ruined the county school system , we don't demand , we accept , we have become a sponge for minorities and will be that way until we have rules and laws we enforce . Home schools or a Christian school is best . If you were my wife and this kid threatened you , he or she wouldn't be able to do it ever again. We must take charge of our future.

  7. This is one of the reasons we send our child to a private school. Truthfully, we can barely afford it, and sacrifice so much to do so.. but the public schools are just out of control.

    Until they have the authority to discipline bad kids, all the others suffer.

    I wish there was a way to get some sort of tax break for paying for private school, since my tax dollars are being poured into a failing system.

  8. I have known several teachers still teaching in Wicomico County these comments are very true this is a danger good students and teachers face every day. What has the current mayor and City Council done to address these situations? The threats will not just go away these heads of our city need to get the SPD involved but you only hear about bomb threats and fights that make the news and school shut downs for ongoing situations. I pray that with Wayne King as our next mayor these and other crime situations will be addressed before there is a Columbine here.

    1. I agree. Vote for Wayne King and help make changes in the whe city of Salisbury.

  9. I know a woman who teaches in Wicomico co. and she has similar stories. I honestly don't know how she does it.

  10. When people say Salisbury is thugville, believe them, it really is. So very sad that teachers hands are tied and they receive absolutely no support. Honestly, those of you with school age children, get out of here, or put them in private school, or home school them. Public schools in Wicomico county are absolutely horrible.

  11. Parents should be charged if their kids are this bad. The school should be able to sue the parent. No one should have to be abused like this. Not just the teachers, but the other kids in the school are in danger. Its pretty clear that the parent is responsible for the kids behavior when they enable it like this story shows! My parents would have told the teachers to whip my a** and then they would have whipped me some more when I got home. Hope his momma is going to have bail money for him.

    1. Retired Lieutenant CorrectionsOctober 10, 2019 at 6:44 PM


      The kids parents are in jail

      Grandma or big sister is watching the little thugs

  12. My daughter (a recent college graduate) started substitute teaching with the goal of finding a full-time position. I was excited for her because she had found a life direction and was pursuing a career. She was soon offered a long-term position filling in for a teacher who would be out for maternity leave. Things changed quickly with the long term assignment. She would come home, sometimes in tears, talking about her day. She was struggling to keep a small number of students from disrupting her classrooms. Had one little girl that would often call her a racist if she ever tried to discipline her. It was an everyday battle with disrespectful kids and name calling. She requested support from administration with only being told that she could not give detention anymore, which was her only form of consequences. When the teacher was back from maternity leave, my daughter never set foot in another school. It's a no win situation for our teachers. By the way, this was middle school students. Good luck with them when they become adults. Concerned for our country. This is the next generation. More of the entitlement, more of the "can't discuss a difference of opinion without calling names". More Democrats!

    1. Some will never mature to become adults

  13. Parents who send their children to private schools because of the failure of the public school system, whether it be for safety or academic shortcomings, should get a tax break. Why should they support a public system that they are not using PLUS pay for private school. If money was withheld, maybe the public schools would get their act together. Many families make great sacrifices, working multiple jobs, to afford private school for their kids.

  14. Public schools are liberal indoctrination cesspools... Not my children...

  15. These out of control schools really pre-detention centers are the direct result of obama's dept of ed policies. The policies were adopted that make it impossible to suspend/expel.

  16. Salisbury schools are the worst due to the ghetto nature of many of the students. I know a Salisbury Muslim couple who due to their refusal to send their children to a school with the ghetto types they bought a mobile home in another county. They pay ground rent and stay there a few times a week just so their children can attend a civilized school and not one as bad as they all are in Salisbury where most of the students will amount to nothing more then a number in the prison system or dead due to their thug actions.

  17. Turn off the TV. Screen the kids's internet choices. Limit phone use. Leave phones at the door at school. Read some books. Get your parents to read some books.

  18. These disruptive punks need to be kicked out of the school system. There should be a separate school for the incorrigible as the current school system does not permit any kind of discipline. This is a real shame and cannot be tolerated.

  19. change the boe all those there have been there forever and are part of the problem. Donna first then fitz and work your way down the list. jeffers needs to go also! until the parents demand more nothing will change! want change well then show up at the board meetings and demand it! otherwise quit your whining!
    you the parents are responsible for allowing this situation to exist and worsen!

  20. I'm sure the racial makeup at her new school is much different than the one she left.

  21. To those of you blaming Jake Day and or Bob Culver and acting like you people know what you are talking about, you're BOTH wrong! The board of education is autonomous. They answer to NO ONE! The ONLY thing the County can do to retaliate against the board is to reduce funding, that's it. You need to go after the BOE, period.

  22. My daughter is a first grade teacher in Wicomico County. It's all true. I don't know how she does it.

  23. Take away tax dollars until this conditions are corrected. It has been this way in Wicomico County for years. It is not only the BOE Administration but the incompetent Principles / Vice Principals they place in these positions. These people are incompetent and refuse to report these types of crimes take up for the students of terror because they don't want the paperwork or the reporting in the statistics of violence in their school(s). Again the State is responsible and the Democrats rule the State even when you have a Republican clown like Hogan as Governor.

  24. I am sorry your administration deserted and abandoned you in your chosen profession. The only consolation I can offer is that these young punks have a future reservation at ECI. And, when they try acting out like this while in prison they will find that the end result will be quite different.

    1. Honestly admin’s hands are tied to a degree as well. They still have to answer to the higher ups at the Board!

  25. Dear readers,

    Joe is quite correct regarding this. The only way to regain control of the conduct in the local schools is directly where it concerns the BOE most - bad publicity. The mayor and Mr. Culver have no ability to control conduct, actions, or mandates by the board. The best way to attend to this is to do what the employees do when they request raises. The go in large groups to the board. Certainly, if large groups of parents go to each board meeting and demand accountability and real discipline, it will occur. However, showing up at one meeting won't work. Specifically, parents need to demand all disciplinary statistics for each school and the resulting code (input by administrators at the individual schools). Mind you, they cannot use student names, but this will give both parents and the community a clear picture of what is happening. By simply having to report to the parents and community on a monthly basis, a very bright light will be cast. Further, parents should directly request which schools are officially termed "persistently dangerous". I do not believe that designation has changed, but essentially this is the state's label for schools that have severe infractions (weapons, violations against persons, etc.) By gaining the true data (that is not reported to parents), and making that data available to local, regional and national news outlets, parents will then deliver a very clear message, and the board will have nowhere to hide.



    1. The data will be incorrect. Office referrals from teachers are deleted or vanish. We quit using paper copies years ago and went to putting this information into the computer to keep the referrals from disappearing. However, the referrals are being deleted by the administration leaving no paper trail.

    2. The data will be incorrect. Office referrals from teachers are deleted or vanish. We quit using paper copies years ago and went to putting this information into the computer to keep the referrals from disappearing. However, the referrals are being deleted by the administration leaving no paper trail.

  26. This is not just parents problem. Everyone in the county should be angry about the current BOE.
    You will not get bigger businesses to come to town if your school district is poorly run and your schools are rated below 5 on a scale of 1-10. So if you are someone who says I don’t have kids in school but members of your family can’t find a decent paying job you should be concerned about the schools.
    If you pay property and Maryland State taxes you should be concerned about the schools. I am not sure about the mentality of giving a tax break to people whose children go to private school. I never had children but still had to pay school taxes and now feel I am not getting my money’s worth as it is ridiculous that these teachers are given no help.
    I know good teachers who retired earlier than they wanted to because administration has sit idly by and allowed things to get out of hand.
    I voted against every incumbent to the school board last election and will continue to do so until things change.
    I would love for one of them to explain their excuses here on the SBY.

  27. Biden told y'all what to do! Turn on the record player, let em' hear some words. Then go out back with a shotgun and blast a couple rounds, to keep the thugs away.

  28. they'll just hunker down and wait all you crybabies out! that's what they always do, and you think whining on here is gonna change things? fools!

  29. I feel bad for teachers today with the THUG VILLE mentality in the classroom

    The administration will not act
    on discipline issues

    one thing I've noted in my 40 years of Corrections and Law Enforcement ....once you deal with one in the group harshly....to include physical deterrents

    the rest of the group falls into file

    if teachers were able to bust a AZZ once on awhile

    this chit would stop

  30. The teachers can only blame themselves. Everything wrong with students and school policies stems from the teachers union and school board. Teachers didn't care when they continued to get raises. Everyone knows the public school system has NO rules. Unqualified teacher's who can't teach anything but social justice crap. Thug students from thug parents use the school for a FREE DAYCARE. Like evething else they get Free in their worthless lives.

  31. For all of you who want to go after the BOE why don't you show up at a Board meeting and run your big mouth there? For all of you including SBY News just show up! Bring your facts.

  32. The Maryland Legislature dictates what happens with discipline in our public schools. Uh Oh! General Assembly controlled by Democrats and has been for years.Wicomico County is a Democrat numerically controlled county so take all your problems to the Democrat Central Committee.

  33. There are people paid to walk around with a student who refuses to go to class. They follow the student wherever the student goes like a puppy dog!!! Why?? This comes from my student.

  34. As a Wicomico County high school teacher, all I can say is the public would be horrified if they saw the lack of control that exists in the schools. Hordes of students can be seen openly wandering the hallways every period, every day. You will see groups of them yelling, talking loudly, having absolutely no concern for classes going on or for authority figures including teachers, administrators and even deputy’s who may try to talk to them or get them to their classes. If they show up for class, they can be anywhere from ten minutes to a half an hour late and offer no pass or explanation. There’s not enough adults in the building to even begin to deal with the problem and a single teacher who makes the attempt to direct students hanging out in hallways to class is either ignored or verbally assaulted. Why these students are given the privilege of an education is beyond me. They don’t want an education and frankly, they don’t deserve one. They have no respect for authority and they never will. Their futures are bleak. Salisbury’s future is bleak if the community doesn’t realize the extent of school problems and get a handle on things.

  35. One comment on here is right. You people have no one to blame but yourselves. YOU allow this to happen because you will go no further than your computers keyboard. That's the limit of your courage. Go to the school and demand they do something and if they refuse, tell them the BOE is your next stop and that you have their name and will file a formal complaint. This needs to be brought forward and put in the face of the public. Drag their names all across the internet. Tell them if the BOE does nothing, the mayor is next, then the governor, then the Congress and the Senate. And if that does not work, you will take matters in your own hands. These lousy, no good, thug azz punks, need to have their azz stomped. They need to be shown we will NOT put up with their shite any more. WE need to put a stop to it. But for right now, I see a big money maker for home schooling software. These teachers can have a web site to teach your kids at home and do away with the schools. That will put a big dent in the pocket of those high and mighty BOE employees. Let's stand together and put a stop to these punk ass thugs.

  36. I personally know a teacher who quit because the staff would do nothing about those scum bag thugs. She is at a private school now and is happy with them. No a-hole thugs. A student gets out of hand and out the door they go.

  37. 1:02 pm First grade? That is 6 year olds. My GOD what is this country to,the parents are the only ones to blame for mess.

  38. here's a solution, give the perps a ipad and since the government provides free internet for these pos's. they can now do their school work from home! easy peasy! and if they don't do it well then sucks to be them going through life with little to no education!

  39. Joe is right ! Teachers deserve more respect but all people do is bitch and moan about their salaries and summers off and why can't my Johnny read. Well your Johnny should know how to read when he gets too school like the rest of us. Teachers are the trench soldiers stuck with what they get from the top down and where kids are concerned from the bottom up. Teachers deserve safer classrooms.

  40. Blogger JoeAlbero said...
    To those of you blaming Jake Day and or Bob Culver and acting like you people know what you are talking about, you're BOTH wrong!

    Rarely anyone is correct about anything that happens around here. Usually, ppl are too lazy to look up facts for themselves instead of relying on word of mouth, rumors, and innuendo. They bitch and moan and talk amongst themselves but for the most part they don't address the ones who could actually make a difference or get the real skinny.

    Not being mean-spirited just an observation. They want "someone else" to fix things but don't want to get involved or get their hands dirty. Worried about how things would look to their friends instead of doing the right thing.

    Not just in this case but most others that come down the pike. Until more get involved with energy and actions do you think anything will ever have meaningful change?


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