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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Political Memes


  1. Support the country you live in or live in the country you support, huh?

    So... no freedom of speech? No right to protest? Address your government with your grievances? The things penned into our very founding documents, the things that make us American?

    No, that shirt, that very sentiment is about as Un-American as it gets. This is how despots and tyrants rule... not Americans.

    You can support your country and have your own opinion and be a voice for change. That is why America is great.

    1. Your lack of comprehension is utterly amazing

    2. Or you can just leave, don't let the door hit you in the ass 7:41

  2. Freedom of speech,unless I don't like your shirt?

  3. I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!

  4. 7:41 I think you missed the point. It doesn't necessarily mean what you said. You can still have freedom of speech and your own opinions. I think it means if you come here for a better life . Don't try to push your previous countries laws and way of life on us. Such as sharia Sharia law. If you want to change our country to be like the one you came from you should not have left your own country.

  5. 7:41
    Thank you!

    Finally someone who does not worship this government!

    1. didnt say anything about support of government. it said support of the country. why would you want to live in a country you dont like. FREE STUFF

  6. 7:41 you most have missed the part on the shirt that stated "Or Live In The Country You Support" Bye Bye Traitor

  7. And that goes for you too 8:54 !!!

  8. You can support your country and despise its government - look at the freedom fighters in China - I'd have to say they support their country and its citizens, but it's the overreaching government that's the issue. Government and country are not the same thing.

    1. Impossible to explain that to people who thing paying taxes is patriotic


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