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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Kamala Harris says ‘women will die’ without pro-abortion laws. What about babies?

Pro-abortion advocates have been pushing for Democrats to bring up abortion at the presidential debates, which have primarily focused on issues such as immigration, affordable healthcare, and now impeachment.

So, to cash in on the fourth-wave feminist vacuum left by the loss of Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, Sen. Kamala Harris used a question about healthcare in Tuesday’s debate to plug abortion legislation.

"This is the sixth debate we have had in this presidential cycle, and not nearly one word with all of these discussions about healthcare on women’s access to reproductive health care, which is under full-on attack in America today," the California senator said. "It's outrageous."



  1. If Harris is going to make an extraordinary claim, then she needs to present extraordinary evidence. Otherwise, she is simply stating her agenda, not reality. However, as a Progressive she is a baby killer.

  2. Kamala Harris is grasping for any traction; she is anything but presidential. She is a hack and so disingenuous with her "women will die" rant. She will not address the fact that many abortions involve black women; if she was at all responsible or presidential she would go after the root cause and espouse abstainance or some other form of responsible birth control. In her mind's eye, abortion is the only solution; too narrow minded.

  3. She reads the script written for her in Langley

    The agenda is much larger then most people realize.

  4. It isn’t Karamela’s agenda
    It is her financiers agenda

  5. JUST IN

  6. It is about not being able to compel someone to sacrifice or give of their own body without their consent at risk of health or life. That is it.

    You can't force a man at risk of health or life to donate or give of his body to another, ipso facto you can not force a woman to do it.

    Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy. They are two completely different things. Sex does not immediately mean pregnancy, and as a species, sex is not solely for propagation. In fact, compared to other species humans have a very low sex to pregnancy rate.

    If you don't believe in abortion, don't have one. Simple.

  7. Sad to say but this could cost Trump the election. I know a girl that got leukemia and had to abort to save her life. Yes tough choice and you can live with guilt but lets be real.

  8. Abortion with clear evidence that it will save the life of the woman will always be available. Kamala uses empty rhetoric.

  9. Without abortion there can be no vaccine industry.
    How would they grow the vaccines without baby parts?

    There will ALWAYS be abortions.
    Don’t worry.
    The elites don’t want more mouths to feed.
    They love it when goyim kill their offspring.


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