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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Pelosi Informs Democrat Caucus There Will NOT be Formal Floor Vote to Launch Impeachment Probe – It’s a Scam!

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) confirmed to her Democrat Caucus on Tuesday that there will be no formal floor vote to officially launch an impeachment probe against President Trump.

Fox News Congress reporter Chad Pergram and Congress writer for The Hill Scott Wong both confirmed Pelosi has no plans to hold a full House vote.

Rather, Pelosi and her fellow Democrat coup plotters are moving full steam ahead with secret impeachment proceedings ‘to keep President Trump and his lawyers in the dark,’ as Adam Schiff previously stated.



  1. Good luck nancy, but you don't have snow ball's chance in hell of throwing Trump under the bus or winning the election. Your glory days are over bitch

  2. Secret impeachment proceedings "to keep president Trump in the dark".
    This is a sorry ass, watered down and meritless political hit job. They've already made a complete joke of themselves, my guess is they want to keep the rest of the proceedings "secret" because they don't have anything else. They are just trying to prolong an already exhausted fairy tale. These so called "American" politicians are traitors and should be charged as such.

  3. Each politician reads the script prepared for his/her character in the drama called US Government.
    The entire enterprise is fake. It is a psychological operation run against the population to convince them they (and their votes) matter. They don't.

    The banking families who indebted the European Nations and the US with fiat currencies backed literally by nothing are calling all of the shots. They own these governments. The finance the campaigns.

    Bottom line: both political parties in the US are controlled by the same rich families. The intelligence agencies work directly for the families. The media is a part of the intelligence agencies. Literally. Wolf and Anderson work for intelligence. They were placed there by their families.

    Unplug and wake up.
    Hunker down and protect your family from the currency collapse which is probably near time now.

    1. Keep peeking around the edge of the curtain 5:33 and light that crack bowl again. You have a nice theory but the deep state or "rich families" as you call them, doesn't have enough competent or capable people to full off such an operation.

  4. Does not matter what they do. What happens if it makes it to the Senate ? I would ask the President to send in the military to take back the house from this illegal coup attempt...

  5. They ( the Democrats ) will loose now

    and in 2020

  6. The same thing has happened to people in this county no body cares. I think it starts in this state. Md.has been doing it to people for years. Some are dead, it will make you want to move away.

  7. and we the people are paying the salaries of these clowns in this circus.when are we going to put an end to this BS!!!


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