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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Harris Supports Censure of Chairman Schiff

WASHINGTON, DC: Rep. Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) is a cosponsor of a resolution (H. Res. 630) to censure Rep. Adam Schiff, Chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence. Chairman Schiff is pursuing an impeachment strategy and taking testimony in closed-door sessions that are not open to the public. Even Members of Congress not on the designated committees are barred from being present at the hearings or even reviewing the transcript or testimony of Committee proceedings.

Rep. Andy Harris made the following statement:

“Constituents in the three town hall meetings I held this week want to know if any evidence at all exists for impeachment. I came to Washington to find out, and was surprised to learn that not all Members of Congress are allowed to attend the hearings, or even to access the testimony and transcripts of these secret impeachment proceedings. Holding these hearings behind closed doors, at the insistence of Chairman Schiff, is unacceptable. Soviet-style secret trials should never be acceptable in America. There is no reason not to have full transparency unless something is being hidden. That is why I support the resolution to censure Rep. Schiff. Impeachment proceedings must be a fair and open process. Every American deserves a fair shake. As far as I can tell, there is no evidence that justifies distracting Congress from important issues of concern to the public, like reducing the high cost of prescription drugs, solving the opioid crisis, securing the border, and keeping the economy strong.”


  1. Thank you Andy for representing me!

  2. Thank you for representing me as well.

  3. ditto - and stick with it!

  4. Harris is okay with treason

    1. go back to mommys basement 737am

      us grown people are in charge now....and in 2020, 2024, 2028, ect


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