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Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Newly Released FBI Document Dump Shows Hillary Had Two IPads But Only Turned Over One to FBI!

Hillary Clinton did not hand over one of her iPads requested by the FBI in their investigation related to her email abuse in 2015. This was uncovered from documents released by the FBI late last week.

FOX News reported late last month –
As extensively reported by Fox, Clinton would often task aides including Monica Hanley with finding and supplying the secretary of state’s never-ending demand to use non-secure BlackBerrys for all her official government work. Some of Clinton’s BlackBerrys wound up being pounded with hammers on orders by Huma Abedin after Clinton’s homebrew servers went down or when news that Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal’s email had been hacked in 2013 by the Romanian hacker known as “Guccifer”—Marcel Lehel Lazar.

The new documents offer a glimpse into the lawyering ballet inside the Beltway—as this surrendering of two BlackBerrys and one iPad by her private attorneys occurred just six days before Hillary Clinton, then the leading Democratic nominee for president, testified before Congress on Oct. 22, 2015 about the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.


  1. Lock her up!!!!

    You and I would already be working on a 15-25 stretch for doing A LOT LESS than she did and she is walking around calling for someone else's prosecution?? LOL!!

    There ARE two sets of laws and you people can't stop cheering it!

    Keep cheering.
    While you can.....


  2. And of course, Hillary is now hinting at another run. Perhaps as the hounds are closing in on her she might see it as a way to hold them off-- the President can't investigate an 'opposition candidate' can he? That would be like investigating Joe Biden. Can't do that either. It's corrupt.. tampering with the election.

  3. ALL tied to that ILLEGAL server she had, No Doubt !!!!!

  4. We'll see what she gets,and you better not have us all worked up over nothing!! Don't be making a lot of promises without the ass to back them up!

  5. I suppose that she will turn her I Pad over when Trump turns his personal cell phone over

  6. One more reason she should be serving time and not in a country club prison.

  7. Hillary's a crook, has always been a crook, and will always be a crook. And she is the darling of the Democrat party. Political differences aside, I would be ashamed to tell anyone I was a Democrat, if I was one.


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