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Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Mayor is tied to a truck and dragged along the streets by Mexican villagers who were angry that he had not carried out road repairs

A Mexico mayor has been tied to a truck and dragged along the streets by angry villagers who were protesting unfulfilled campaign promises.

Jorge Luis Escandon Hernandez, the mayor of Las Margaritas in the state of Chiapas, was taken by a mob of residents from his office.

The residents were compelled on Tuesday to carry out the attack after storming the mayor's office and demanding he fulfill his promises to the community, according to El Heraldo de Mexico.

He was forcibly removed from his office and tied to a pick-up truck.



  1. Whats hillary doing in mexico??

  2. Did they host a folk festival??

  3. Jake Day..DO YOU HEAR THIS. Instead let’s spend millions on bikes lanes that NO-ONE EVER uses..you’re so smart!!

  4. I didn't believe that it was possible to have roads that are in worse repair any where else than they are in Salisbury!

  5. Good for them. It's good to see citizens active in politics.

  6. This should happen to Jake Day before he leaves office as the city is deplorable because he was our mayor. He has never cared about the people here or the city just the media attention and every effort he has made to make us "little Chicago". Thank you Jake may the city limit signs hit you on the backside as you exit as mayor.

  7. Vote for Wayne King for Mayor. Let's give him a chance to clean up Jake's mess and I am willing to bet that we will see many good changes. Of course it will take some time because jake has screwed so much up but we need to let Mr. King prove what he can do by electing him. I have lived here for 65 years and have NEVER been more ashamed to call Salisbury my hometown. And before someone tells me that if I don't like it then move, you can kiss my butt. I'm not leaving but if jake is smart, and I doubt that he is, he will move and go ruin some other town.

  8. Ru reading this Jake.

  9. This will be happening soon in America.

  10. And this is what kind of vibrancy the leftists want to install in every town and city.

  11. Hey, can I ride my little scooter in the bike lane? Seems reasonable to me.


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