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Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Maryland Car Vs Deer Crashes Jump As Mating Season Begins

MARYLAND — Chances are good that drivers are going to have a close and expensive encounter with a deer on a Maryland road this fall. Deer — especially frisky bucks looking for a mate from October through December — are creating hazards on roads across the country. The odds a motorist will hit a deer or other animal are 1 in 116, according to State Farm Insurance.

In Maryland, drivers have a 1 in 104 chance of a collision with an animal. Most animal-involved crashes occur around dawn and dusk as deer look for food.

The likelihood of a vehicle-animal collision is based on the insurer's estimate that U.S. drivers made more than 1.9 million animal collision claims from July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2019.



  1. Man your telling me.
    Last year I almost got hit on the trail of a feisty blond doe. She was running and squrtin', I was chasin' and snortin'! All of a sudden this car came out of nowhere. Just miss me by the hairs of my bare a$$.

  2. The Deer Population around here is out of control. Every day I see new dead Deer on Nanticoke Road. So pretty much every day someone is having a collision. Yes some have never hit a Deer but sometimes there simply isn't anyway to avoid it. My neighbor had one jump out and hit the side of his car.

    We don't have natural predators for the deer so maybe they need to extend the hunting season ?

    1. Put all DNR police on day shift might help

  3. 10:00
    The deer population is just fine. It's the people population that is the problem. They keep building more and more houses that are taking away from where the deer live.

  4. 1126

    we do need to stop developing homes

    it's a Democrat thing to destroy farms, trees, land

    to build homes


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