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Sunday, October 06, 2019

Marshall Gabell Responds to Rick Meehan Blog Post

Mr. Joe Albero,

I absolutely appreciate you taking the time to post my views on SBYNEWS.

However, I find the blog to be a little discredited due to the "Anonymous" comments simply slandering and spamming the post. It is evident that a lot of the comments are just one person commenting, acting as multiple.

In fact, only two comments aren't anonymous ... one including myself.

If I could offer a suggestion, it would be to mandate someone to post their names along with their comments. It simply looks like obsessive slander otherwise, especially since the time is posted, too.

Again, I appreciate you posting. I will be sure to include you in any future press releases from my team and I.

Best regards,
Marshall Gabell

Editor's Note. The above letter is in response to the below post that we published on October 1, 2019. Click on title below to read the original post and comments

Marshall Gabell Thinks Ocean City Mayor Rick Meehan Should Step Down


  1. Oh man this is a good one. Let her rip folks. Haha haha!

  2. Marshall:
    The reason for anonymity is obvious, maybe not to you, but to most people that post online.
    Sure, there are some nasty (and cowardly) people that write bad stuff, but for the most part it is so they are not crucified for their opinions.
    There is no way that you can see how some of your thoughts are way off-base. Some are valid - some are not.
    As for being anonymous:
    You have affected your job. People now know where you work
    People that are staunch backers of the Mayor will no longer do business with the company you are affiliated with.
    I'm sure your bosses are not exactly thrilled about your very public opinion.

  3. Sounds correct to me. Bunch of old people who have absolutely ruined this country talking about how terrible young people are over traffic violations.

    Old people have bankrupted the country. Changed the definition of freedom, this is not a free country. Ive been to dozens of other countries USA isnt on the top ten. Allowed millions of citizens to be incarcerated. Allowed millions of tax laws. Allowed millions of laws period. Every state is nearly bankrupt. List goes on.

    Atleast he can admit he wasnt happy with the outcome on both sides. Clearly admitting he didnt completely agree with either side.

    Last time i heard the old generation apologize and or admit blame to anything, was... Never. Somehow you just blame the young generation. What kind of generation blames there kids and grandkids for issues that have been consistently getting worse for over 50 years yet refuses to take blame themselves?

    1. Maybe you would be happier living in one of those “other” countries.. In the US everyone is responsible for his own actions.

  4. Butthurt baby needs to look up the word slander.

  5. Oh Marshall honey it’s called a blog for a reason and as much as you’d like to think it was only one person commenting I kinda doubt that๐Ÿ™„ Did you want their name so you could harass them?

  6. Marshall, I believe that you are a dumb child who thinks rules are made for others, not yourself! Case in point there are Traffic Laws for a reason, but you sir have broken many! Your license has been suspended on multiple occasions, due to your ignorance of the law! Due to these reasons alone, I do not feel that you sir are capable of understanding the law or what is required of people who havve to enforce those laws! Until you sir can uphold and abide by the law, you are not a reputable source! Thank you for your concerns!

    1. Follow the law, obey the law, law of the land. Good thing their is so many sheep like you. How has a government convinced so many sheep that following the law is freedom. That paying taxes is patriotic. Speed limit sign every 50 feet, cop every other block, speed cams in between. All to PROTECT us and keep us nice and safe.

    2. 1:11-So, you deliberately disobey the laws? Drive extremely fast just to be disobedient? You are the reason we have laws! You may call us sheep, but you are an ASS! Where is there a speed limit sign every 50 ft, and speed cams in between? Further more a cop directly after? Weird, dude. Why do you hate cops?

    3. When did i say i deliberately disobey laws? Read it a few times more use that girdletree brain power. Hates a strong word you shouldn't use it. I greatly disagree with nearly every local state and federal government AS YOU SHOULD given our countries current state.

      You dont notice it cause its so normal. Next time you step out of box iron and go to a place with a population of more then 23 count how many dam speed limit signs, cops, and red light cameras you see in 10 minutes while driving.

    4. 11:37- I'm a trucker. I know exactly what I'm talking about. When you call us sheep for obeying the law, you inferred you do not follow those laws. I have a perfect driving record because I do notice! Hate is not a strong word, get over it! I called you on your B.S., so all you have left is to try and insult me. I will reciprocate by stating the obvious. You are a pathetic little troll. What do you mean "step out of Box Iron?" If that made sense, maybe you could use it as an insult. Box Iron is a street. WTF? Congratulations, you're an idiot!

    5. So you can run your mouth and bad mouth the young generation but cant take the same kind of response.

      Change your pissy pants old man.

    6. 2:00- If you're talking to me, I'm a spry, hard working 42 yr old. I could kick my younger self's ass quite easily. Also, who insulted his age? Finally, he started with the insults. I only sought proof for his ridiculous arguement. He responded with bigotry. Being a gen x'er, it appears we are the last generation to be able to debate without having our feelings hurt, and to use that as an excuse for losing that debate. Go cry to your mama, kid!

  7. No, you freakin' snowflake, they're not! Typical crap from that crowd. Truth hurts, buddy!

  8. Names are not important son, It's the facts that are

  9. How many people are really needed to run that town. We have a mayor, a town manager, a police department, and now a Marshall?

  10. Hey Marshall...

    Read the post from 10:34, then ask again why it may be best to remain anonymous.
    One more thing: If you plan on a political career, the first thing you have to do is grow a thicker skin.
    Don't get your panties in a wad 'cause someone may disagree with you.

  11. I wonder if he wishes his driving record were Anonymous??

  12. 10:56
    I hear Salisbury is getting a King. If they get a King I guess OC can have a Marshall.

    1. marshall's career has peaked. He should shut up and go hide for a few years until he is more mature.

  13. Marshall:

    I have to say, I'm very impressed.
    You seem to have all the answers!
    So... What is the answer? How would you handle this?

  14. I'm not sure when seeing all the videos that anyone can think that there is a middle ground.
    Creating a place to do burn outs is not safe and the liability can't be insured.

    Best deterrent is to close most of the businesses as they have done in VA Beach,Myrtle beach and NOLA when unsanctioned internet events are promoted. It has deterred participation in those places.

  15. 10:00 dozens of other countries? I'd like to see that passport! I doubt very much your dozens is anything more then a trip to sandals! so let me educate you, USMC through late 70's early 80's. Won't talk about what I do but suffice to say been to more countries than anyone I know and been to most of them multiple times. europe asia middle east you name it! and none of them offer the freedoms we have as americans! You know absolutely nothing when it comes to the freedoms we enjoy.
    This is why the older generation doesn't listen to mealy mouthed basement dwellers! What have you done to make the world a better place? what child have you mentored? what old person have you checked up on or visited lately? coached any local kids sports team? given your time to make your community better? didn't think so. just because the rich do what they want and have a different set of rules then the rest of us peons doesn't make us all bad old people!
    I can see your parents and teachers failed you miserably!
    but don't blame us for your failures!!

    1. Your a nobody. Talk alot never done an illegal act in your life. Use your USMC sticker for free macdonalds and discounted insurance. Follow uncle sam book like the little sheep you are.

      South Korea
      List goes on

      I own multiple companies. I have three children.

      What have you done? You wore a suit for a politician. I respect the person not the group. You being in USMC means nothing to me. My grandfather was a MP in USMC and he raised me to question everything. He didnt cater to a party idea or a group, he was a free thinker. Like we all should be. People that actually believe in self responsible and freedom. Not just talk it and pretend cause they once wore a suit to get a free education and free world travel that they should automatically be respected and honored. Like the police and politicians.

    2. Im not done. If you ever wondered off the base with all your free travel perks. Youd know besides UK France or Germany (from my experience) (but even them sometimes) does not give one f@3k about burnouts or speeding. Never have i ever been pulled over in any other country for any traffic violation ever.

      In Thailand i watched a lady riding a moped down the highway with two children hanging on the side steps all while breast feeding a third child, waving to the cops as she drove by.

      Ive been to places for months at a time and see 1 cop ONCE for about 30 seconds driving by.

      Atleast the police in those countries willingly admit they became an officer for NO other reason then the PERKS associated with the job. Do they stop murders, bombings, assaults, rapes YES but do they spray beat taze there citizens over burnouts and hand out a 1k ticket for speeding hell no.

      The only thing they have in common with police in the states is they demand respect for no other reason then putting on a cheap uniform everyday.

      So I don't know what kind of patriotic taxed out the @ss definition of freedom has been drilled into your head. But we obviously have a different opinion on what true freedom is.

    3. 11:25: The anger in you is astounding and pathetic! You've been trolling all day. Put the bottle down and get some rest already!

  16. Very simply. The more laws we make, the less free we become. But, the Senate has to explain why they have a job, along with the house. Stay at home guys and stop meeting with lobbyists whose pockets are filled with cash to entice you to be "corrupt for a buck."

  17. Lastly great to see the country you hate so much has offered you such opportunities. But why stay here if those other countries are so great? Can’t you go there and be even more successful? Glad I’m not one of your kids. Delusional?

    1. Who said anything about hating this country. This country is amazing. The people are amazing. Dont sit here and try deny though that the politicians have screwed this country and its citizens for over 50 years. Dont pretend like our freedoms arent slowly but surely being taken away.

      Low IQs - consistently talk about how terrible the politicians are but as soon as someone says yea its been going on 50 years, its getting worse and worse, majority of the blame is associated with the older generations lack of push back against the politicians and those in charge, all the sudden there an america hater lol.

      Guess what you and your kids sat back watched the country continually become more and more liberal socialist etc... Over the last 50+ years.

      You must of hated america and the principles it was built on.

      Im over it, your generation put us in this situation how could you ever comprehend the beginning discussions of fixing it?

      Rant over

  18. been there and more. spending a week or two on holiday in another country is not the same as living there! been there done that. I'd like to know just what so called companies you own in oc? just so you know, I do not consider panhandling on the boardwalk as a business! name your companies! time to man up, troll.
    Semper Fi!

    1. I own 0 business in OC what do i look like paying 120k a year boardwalk rent. Selling trinkets and overpriced t shirts. None of my businesses operate in Maryland period.

      If i maned up youd call the police on me.

  19. so what are you doing about it other then ranting? to damn funny!
    typical snowflake dem!

  20. 2:08 such a big man! not! name those businesses? didn't think so....now get outta mommies basement and join the living, troll!

  21. I wonder how many comments were from Marshall Gabell himself.

  22. Marshall Gabell is another cop hating coward.

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Sounds correct to me. Bunch of old people who have absolutely ruined this country talking about how terrible young people are over traffic violations.

    Old people have bankrupted the country. Changed the definition of freedom, this is not a free country. Ive been to dozens of other countries USA isnt on the top ten. Allowed millions of citizens to be incarcerated. Allowed millions of tax laws. Allowed millions of laws period. Every state is nearly bankrupt. List goes on.

    Atleast he can admit he wasnt happy with the outcome on both sides. Clearly admitting he didnt completely agree with either side.

    Last time i heard the old generation apologize and or admit blame to anything, was... Never. Somehow you just blame the young generation. What kind of generation blames there kids and grandkids for issues that have been consistently getting worse for over 50 years yet refuses to take blame themselves?

    October 4, 2019 at 10:00 AM

    Thanks Marshall...

  24. Marshall Gabell said...
    I appreciate all the anonymous comments. I’d encourage any of them to post a status with their opinions and names, if they feel so strongly.

    The bottom line is change is needed. 13 years in office and it worsens each summer season. This is why term limits are needed at every government level.

    My team and I will be looking into the possibility of a full campaign. I think many will agree with my agenda, once they’ve heard me beyond a simple Facebook post.

    Also, I am a registered Republican, to clear up any confusion.

    God bless,
    Marshall Gabell

    October 3, 2019 at 8:49 AM

    Did anyone mention the Party? NO! STFU, Punk! You are a little baby living in your Mommy's basement and "registered" is the key word.

  25. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Im not done. If you ever wondered off the base with all your free travel perks. Youd know besides UK France or Germany (from my experience) (but even them sometimes) does not give one f@3k about burnouts or speeding. Never have i ever been pulled over in any other country for any traffic violation ever.

    In Thailand i watched a lady riding a moped down the highway with two children hanging on the side steps all while breast feeding a third child, waving to the cops as she drove by.

    Ive been to places for months at a time and see 1 cop ONCE for about 30 seconds driving by.

    Atleast the police in those countries willingly admit they became an officer for NO other reason then the PERKS associated with the job. Do they stop murders, bombings, assaults, rapes YES but do they spray beat taze there citizens over burnouts and hand out a 1k ticket for speeding hell no.

    The only thing they have in common with police in the states is they demand respect for no other reason then putting on a cheap uniform everyday.

    So I don't know what kind of patriotic taxed out the @ss definition of freedom has been drilled into your head. But we obviously have a different opinion on what true freedom is.

    October 4, 2019 at 11:25 PM

    You sound like a F'n Socialist!

  26. Anonymous said...
    marshall's career has peaked. He should shut up and go hide for a few years until he is more mature.

    October 4, 2019 at 6:31 PM

    LOL... he's only 18 and with an attitude like that he won't be going far in life!

  27. Anonymous said...
    2:08 such a big man! not! name those businesses? didn't think so....now get outta mommies basement and join the living, troll!

    October 6, 2019 at 8:46 AM

    Yeah, he's a lying punk. I don't think he owned any businesses either. He hates the cops and the military.

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    11:25: The anger in you is astounding and pathetic! You've been trolling all day. Put the bottle down and get some rest already!

    October 5, 2019 at 9:53 AM

    I noticed that myself and I have a feeling most of those comments are coming from Marshall Gabell himself.

    1. Oh, it's obvious. No one would rant like this in favor for this idiot, let alone spend all day and just before 4am defending that bigoted moron! Just watch him respond! What a truly sad sack!

    2. 11:25- Judging from the length and the number of his comments it's not the bottle. "Sniff!"

  29. I wondered why Joe felt your opinion was worth publishing.
    Now I think Joe wonders that too. Stick to selling ๐Ÿ‹ s.

  30. 10:00am
    Wish granted. I will not publish your comment. I wouldn't want to make a liar out of you. Happy now?

  31. Good for him. Keep it up, Marshall!


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