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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

March for Life debuts 'Pro-Woman' theme for anti-abortion rally

The anti-abortion group March for Life will aim to turn abortion-rights messaging on its head with its theme for 2020.

Its theme, unveiled Tuesday, is "Life Empowers: Pro-Life is Pro-Woman." The slogan is a response to supporters of abortion rights, who deride groups like March for Life as being "anti-woman," and who use the "pro-woman" mantle to advocate for legal abortion.

"Ending the life of an innocent human being is being promoted as an essential to women's freedom, to women's empowerment, and to women's progress. To that we say, 'No,'" Jeanne Mancini, March for Life president, said at a press conference Tuesday.



  1. This is a pro-woman issue. It is about bodily autonomy and consent. Not allowing access to abortion if forcing a woman, against her consent and at risk to her health and even life to, under duress, give of her body and body parts to another.

    You can't force a man at risk of health or life to donate or give of his body to another, ipso facto you can not force a woman to do it. You can't compel him to give up his body parts if another person needs them, even if it is a family member or child, so neither can you a woman. To do so to either a man or woman is a violation of their bodily autonomy and consent.

    Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy. They are two completely different things. Sex does not immediately mean pregnancy, and as a species, sex is not solely for propagation. In fact, compared to other species humans have a very low sex to pregnancy rate.

    If you don't believe in abortion, don't have one. Simple. Trying to outlaw it is imposing your will onto other people.

  2. 9:55 Women are using abortion as a last step instead of preventing pregnancy. There are numerous methods to prevent pregnancy. Whey aren't they being provided free of charge? Why is the murder of a baby your viable choice? Why aren't these baby killers providing for the adoption of these unwanted babies?
    Americans go all over the world to adopt babies. Why isn't adopting American babies better than murdering them? My guess is to follow the money. Planned Parenthood is a money machine. They are making a fortune off of abortions.

  3. 9:55 conservatives don't want to have liberal agendas imposed on their lives but are incapable of seeing it in the opposite. They use an argument that pro-choice means pro-abortion. No one is advocating killing children for enjoyment. It's an easy stance for them to take in the argument.

  4. @ October 16, 2019 at 11:20 AM

    How is access to legal abortion imposing anything on anybody? I'd like you to articulate that. If you don't want an abortion, you don't get one. It seems the only one imposing an agenda is the ones who would violate a woman's bodily autonomy and right to consent. I think you have the "imposing agenda's" backwards. BTW, I am a Conservative Republican who voted for Trump. This isn't a partisan issue, I don't understand how it ever became one.

    No one is forcing you to get an abortion. Your position would force someone into doing something that violates them. That is where your arguments disconnect is. The imposition comes from the anti-abortion side.

  5. @ October 16, 2019 at 11:03 AM

    Not a single one of your very valid questions addresses the heart of the issue, which is a woman's bodily autonomy and right to consent, especially as contrasted to a mans.

    While, I appreciate your questions, there is ambiguity there. Are your arguing that other contraceptive methods SHOULD be provided free of charge? And who pays for it?

    We will find common ground the I don't think tax payer dollars should go to pay for contraception or abortion. However, this is a completely separate issue from the legality and safe access to abortion... and the arguments you make here only muddy the waters.

    You call it a murder of a baby. Some call it the termination of a pregnancy. Some say "not baby, fetus". All of them are irrelevant and muddy the waters. This is about bodily autonomy and consent.

    As far as adoption, you are suggesting forcing someone to donate their body or part of their body at risk of their health or life against their consent. That is the problem. No one is saying that isn't an option for people, because it absolutely is.

    It sounds like your beef is with Planned Parenthood. If so, fine... but your point's don't address what was originally pointed out about bodily autonomy and consent, and they only serve to muddy the waters.

  6. Does this mean they will only kill male babies?

  7. Your body is a gift from GOD and so is the baby.. YOU DONT OWN IT!! ITS NOT YOURS!!!. He gave us free will but what you decide is up to you..if we all followed his truths and word we would not even be having this conversation or babies out of wedlock. The abortion agenda is evil satantic luciferian BS. Take it or leave its your soul. Those who dont believe in GOD i pray for you.

  8. Your body is a gift from GOD and so is the baby.. YOU DONT OWN IT!! ITS NOT YOURS!!!. He gave us free will but what you decide is up to you..if we all followed his truths and word we would not even be having this conversation or babies out of wedlock. The abortion agenda is evil satantic luciferian BS. Take it or leave its your soul. Those who dont believe in GOD i pray for you.

  9. @ October 16, 2019 at 2:46 PM

    Well thankfully, this isn't a theocracy.

    You also muddy the waters here. This issue is not about religious tenants or perspectives, this is an issue about bodily autonomy and consent, which you did not address at all.

    Do me a favor.. if you really think your prayer will work for something, don't pray for me. Pray for dying children in a cancer ward. These are the children you should be focused on.

    Plus, if you believe your deity has a plan, then these abortions are part of it. No getting out of it.

  10. 2:56 typical response from a confused soul..what did you not understand. I addressed the FACT YOU DONT OWN YOUR BODY and You have free will. Your choice!!
    Live per the truth and light of GODs words or your doomed.

    You do see what we are reaping on aborations right? Do you think GOD agrees with abortion?

    So if you decide to ignore THE FACTS Fine your choice, but enjoy your time left here while you can.

  11. @ October 16, 2019 at 3:59 PM

    I don't think your god exists, nor has anyone demonstrated that it exists. Your assertions have no weight nor merit.

    Now, YOU feel free to follow your religion, and I will defend your right to do so all day. Where that support ends is when you try to impose your religious views on the rest of us.

    All I have delivered here are facts, yet no one has addressed them. You have not delivered any facts, you have made baseless bald assertions that cannot be backed up with evidence.

    To address your question on weather your deity agrees with abortion. If it existed, and has free will, and could have created any universe it wanted, it could have created a universe without abortion. But it didn't. That deity also has commanded genocide and infanticide. It is right in your bible. I can't pretend to know the mind of what I consider a fictional character... but I'm sure you would agree that it has some sort of plan? To deny that abortion wasn't seen and scripted in this plan is to deny the plan itself.... which strikes of powerful cognitive dissonance.

    Regardless, this isn't about any of that noise. It is about bodily autonomy and consent. You cannot force a man in violation of his consent to give of his body or parts at risk of health or even death. Neither can you of a woman.


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