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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Another Brutal Gang Slaying In Sanctuary City Seattle, Yet Police Still Won’t Work With ICE

Another person has been murdered in the Seattle area due to gang violence committed by illegal immigrants, yet the city still refuses to cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Carlos Orlando Iraheta-Vega, a member of the MS-13 gang, was arrested and accused of the brutal slaying of his teenage friend, Juan Carlos Con Guzman. Iraheta-Vega, who entered the country illegally, is accused of bashing Guzman to death with a baseball bat, and then working with another gang member to chop the body into pieces using a machete. One of Guzman’s arms and legs had been severed. Marks on his neck suggested the perpetrators attempted to cut his head off.

The Washington Times reported that Iraheta-Vega, 20, “admitted to the killing, saying he’d arranged to fight Juan Carlos but somewhere along the way he and a fellow MS-13 confederate, nicknamed ‘Inferno,’ decided to kill him instead.”

The Times also reported that Iraheta-Vega would have been deported about a year ago had Seattle cooperated with ICE at the time.



  1. Perhaps the plan is to just let them kill each other; problem solved. UNLESS... a Democrat gets caught in the crossfire.

  2. Joe look this up

    TORONTO CANADA moves to ban Christian preachers from renting public corner to preach ...
    Will they do the same for Muslims, The Black Israelites ?

  3. Has anyone ever seen a homeless illegal hispanic ?

    1. 9:34..Why no i have not..wanna know why? Because they get free medical, education, housing, food, and money..so keep repeating yourself and you will expose yourself as the "theRealIdiot"

    2. Too late, you beat me to it ma'am...

  4. Democrats want to turn AMERICA in to another THIRD WORLD BANANA REPUBLIC where THEY will be the TYRANT DICTATORS!!! There is no integrity left in the Democratic party, unless you count total ignorance as a virtue.

  5. Northwest Woodsman: Another example of cultural enrichment in Seattle as in other liberal Marxist run cities around the country. I have found that most people up here in this region are conservative except for the loonies in the cities and , of course, school and college indoctrination personnel. (I am unable to call them teachers any longer. They indoctrinate).

  6. Why worry about Seattle?? The people there voted for these idiots. Nothing we say will change that. Unfortunately, when enough of their citizens die. Maybe they will do something. We ALL should be worried about our BAFFOON AG for Maryland.


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