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Sunday, October 20, 2019

Man Who Slammed Trump for ‘Racist’ Immigration Policies Killed by Illegal Immigrant

A man who criticized President Donald Trump’s immigration policies in the name of progressive Christianity was killed last week by an undocumented immigrant who avoided deportation by hiding in a local “sanctuary church.”

Sean Buchanan, a father of five from Colorado Springs, was driving his motorcycle on Highway 83 when Miguel Ramirez Valiente swerved into his lane and killed him. The immigrant was charged with reckless driving with a revoked license.

Ramirez Valiente received national media coverage in January when he sought sanctuary in All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church in Buchanan’s hometown. Speaking from the pulpit, he told assembled reporters that he had fled gang violence in El Salvador in 2005. He said he wanted to stay in the United States to care for his wife and three children even though his asylum application was denied.



  1. he got what he wanted and preached about.how did that work for you?

  2. Karma is a somebotch

  3. Talk about IRONIC !

  4. ironic, huh? very sad, but ironic.

  5. Put criminals out of the reach of law enforcement and you're preaching anarchy.

  6. I love the heck with him.

  7. God will be sending more punishment like this to the very evil democrat voters. Some say karma but it is really divine intervention God hated the ugly of this man and his evil sinner family.

  8. Sounds just like those two who who hiked, or rode their bicycles, through Iran. They said that those folks were "good people" too and that there was nothing to be afraid of. I am paraphrasing of course so please don't jump all over me for misquoting anything. I am merely trying to make a mild comparison.

  9. I here an idea, all bleeding hearts wear a blue shirt for protection

  10. This and many other things is why I have no sympathy for the illegals...

  11. I wonder if he would want to rethink his views??

  12. Sorry for Mr. Buchanan and his family, however it is going to take a tragedy like this to Pelosi or Schumer or some other politician to get them to action.

  13. Call them progressives but don't call Universal Unitarians Christians.

    Any god is OK with them.


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