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Wednesday, October 09, 2019

'Good thing that he was surrounded by Secret Service': Joe Biden angered Gold Star parents days after son died

A conversation with then-Vice President Joe Biden left a Gold Star family perplexed and angry just minutes before the dignified transfer of their son’s remains in November 2016.

“It was a horrible conversation, it was a horrible experience,” Mike Iubelt, the father of the fallen Army Pfc. Tyler Iubelt, 20, told the Washington Examiner. “I left there feeling worse than I did before he walked through the doors.”

Iubelt was killed in a suicide bombing at Bagram Airfield, carried out by an Afghan national who worked for a U.S. defense contractor. Four people were killed in the attack and 17 were wounded.



  1. President Trump 2020, 2024, 2028...October 9, 2019 at 6:51 PM

    Half of America is saying

    the Democratic jerks are lucky to have security

  2. Why is this guy allowed to even talk at important events. Of course Odummer didn't care about our military, so Bidens stupidity didn't matter to him. Biden is a pure idiot. But I guess if some of the people in congress can get elected why not this dumbass.

  3. Biden is the joke face of the joke dumbocrat party.

  4. It may take a while but people are starting to see the truth. The real evil truth of who is running the country today..we are at a crossroads. Your either a God fearing man of integrity or a POS luciferian..The hidden dangers of the rainbow are living among us. Trump may be the last hope WE THE PEOPLE HAVE. However im afraid we have denied the turth and light of GODS plan for us to long .

  5. Northwest Woodsman: Not to worry, my bet is that where the Bidens and Clinton’s are concerned, the Secret Service would look the other way. In the case of Hildabeast, they’d have to be a card carrying Marxist to take a bullet for her. Makes one wonder how they screen candidates that would risk their lives for the her. .


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