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Monday, October 28, 2019

FLASHBACK: Never Forget — ISIS Terror Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Was Held at US Prison Camp Bucca in 2009 Until Obama White House Agreed to Let Him Go


President Trump and America won again!
US forces killed the barbaric leader of ISIS, Abu Al-Baghdadi, last night near the Syrian–Turkish border.

Al-Baghdadi was the leader of the ISIS Caliphate. He was held by the US in 2009 until the Iraqis and the Obama administration agreed to let him go.

Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), transformed a few terror cells on the verge of extinction into the most dangerous militant group in the world in Syria and Iraq.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi or Abu Dua was once held by the US in Camp Bucca Iraq.



  1. Yes, this is. I must go vote for Obama immediately and give him all my money's, this is what you will be saying when they get your minds. In 2011, the Brain Initiative was launched. The purpose is clear, it's for brainwave communication. Since the 1960's (cathode Ray tubes) the government (secret cabal, LBJ, Clinton, Pelosi, Mr. Rogers) have sought to infiltrate the mind. Propaganda will be nothing once they accomplish this initiative! See with minds eyes!

    1. 9:34- Yes, this is what?

      Mr Roger's? Really?!

      Jim Jones, no one's drinking your kool-aide!

  2. I thought he was a prisoner and released by Obama. Obama should be charged with Treason.

  3. the true Terrorist was Obama, helped by the media.

    1. You may be right, or is the true terrorist the media

  4. Nbc, national brotherhood of communism.
    Cbs, communist bringing slavery.
    Cnn, communist news network.
    Mcnbc, making communist news by commenting

  5. Exactly 12:56 and 8:31, barrack hussein obama had a plan to destroy the United States. He wasn't born in this country and should have never been eligible for the presidency. The fact that he got elected once amazes me, but twice is mind boggling. I'm still shaking my head.

  6. That's right did you really think Obama is not an American was going to turn on his REAL PEOPLE? This nation is treating a president who is trying to change things and make us great again, and they can't get through a day without trying to bring him down. Yet Obama who never produced a birth certicate served his 2 terms as president and no one said a peep against him and he still can't keep his trap shut or his wife Michelle another traitor. Don't forget too that Obama's best friend was and is Al Sharpton someone who lives in this country and never pays taxes, he runs to every thugs funeral and defends the thug not the police before there is ever a trial or facts present the truth. Obama stands for nothing this country was established on but let
    us all bash Trump.

  7. Obama committed Treason! Trump 2020!!!


    & for ALL the others he Released !!! & whatever they do

  9. Fake News!
    According to the Pentagon, Baghdadi was released from Camp Bucca in 2004, during the administration of George W. Bush.

  10. George W is part of the deep state too


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