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Sunday, October 13, 2019

Dick's has destroyed $5 million worth of weapons, its CEO says

Dick's Sporting Goods has destroyed $5 million of the chain's gun inventory, its CEO said.

After finding out that Dick's had sold the Parkland shooter a shotgun, CEO Ed Stack decided last year the company would no longer sell firearm to anyone under 21. Dick's announced it would destroy its inventory of weapons, rather than allow them to be sold by another retailer.

Since then, about $5 million of the chain's gun inventory has been turned into scrap metal, Stack said in an interview with CBS.

"All this about, you know, how we were anti-Second Amendment, you know, 'we don't believe in the Constitution,' and none of that could be further from the truth," he said in the interview. "We just didn't want to sell the assault-style weapons that could inflict that kind of damage."



  1. Idiot!! so i guess the 1/4 billion you lost gets written off on your taxes and we end up paying for your libtarded kneejerk useless action. ..your a putrid useful idiot. I will NEVER shop at dicks.


  2. So he's blown over $5mil so far with his moral posturing.

    Hopefully they will go under, but at least he will feel important and morally superior as the ship goes down.

    Ta-ta dude.

  3. I don't shop at Dicks anymore since this BS started. smh...

  4. More over priced crap from China. He'll wish he had the money for those guns in about 5 years.

    1. They'll wish they had those guns in five years! Alot of innocent people would have been able to defend themselves

  5. So the real question is how many more weapons have they sold that were used in crimes they don't know about. These Morons are jumping on a band wagon to appease the anti gun advocates. Maybe they will stop selling baseball bats too because somebody used one to cause harm to someone (oh wait Tonya Harding). But thank the idiots because it opens the doors back up for small business sporting good shops.

  6. Wait a minute now. He has an issue from a personal standpoint. The conscience is a powerful thing. I'm just saying it would be hard to deal with what happened, knowing he bought guns at your store. He's taking it personal. I see both sides.

  7. Good-Bye Dick's forever. Never enter their Store s again.

  8. I will never buy a single thing from Dick's again!

  9. I do not care what his rationalization is. He sold out his customers. I hope the company goes belly up.

  10. I haven't bought from dicks in 3 years since they started the gun bs

  11. I bet more people have been killed by baseball bats they sell than any firearms they ever sold.

  12. What does it say about a company that can afford to throw away $5 million in merchandise🤔

  13. Those poor innocent guns! He should be arrested for malicious destruction of property!

  14. Sounds unlikely. I wonder who bought the “scrap” and how it qualified as scrap. The sale should be traced by Dept of firearms. I have that uneasy feeling that this is all a scam..

  15. Yep, our family doesn't go there anymore. Done.

  16. I wonder how their investors feel about this. Do they get a check mark in their portfolio for virtue signaling?


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