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Sunday, September 01, 2019

Where Are All The Fat People?

This image is from the 1970's. Take notice, there's no fat people in the picture. You have to wonder just what the food industry has done to Americans, seriously. I've always said, someone would become a billionaire if they opened a Weight Watchers store on the OC Boardwalk today. 


  1. there wasnt a mcdonalds on every block

  2. Or a cell device in everyone's hand and bag of Cheetos in the other !

  3. It wasnt corporations at all. It was that stupid food pyramid you were taught since grade school... bread bread bread- eat your bread and avoid that horrible meat.

    I think the government intentionally made us fat- fat people need medicine= more demand for cheap (supposedly) doctors= national health care.

  4. processed foods! plus the fact a lot of americans are just plain fat lazy slobs!
    obesity is an epidemic driving up health care costs for everyone. since certain life style choices can drive up the cost of your health care, ie, smoking, then shouldn't being a fat slob also drive up your health care costs? I know I hate having one sit next to me on an airplane! should have to pay by the pound, to fly. weigh less then average get a reduced fair, weigh more........ takes more resources to accommodate a fat person then a skinny one!

  5. Back then your Mom stayed home and cooked from scratch. Pretty rare these days.

  6. I remember watching the 3 Stooges in the 60's and thinking Curly was fat but compared to people now he wasn't.

  7. No cellphones, no 500 channel TV, no internet.

    1. You are right. Cell phones have pushed it over the top. Used to be all the fat was in America, now when I go to Europe it’s like USA in the early 2000s. They’re fat and getting fatter. One thing that will always help them though is public transportation since it makes them walk and bike to the trains more, even in rural areas. Food is definitely a piece though. We don’t eat fresh food, packaged trash, combine that with sedentary life and we are all mama junes in the making

  8. People all over the world have access to cell phones and 500 plus channels of tv. However Americans get fatter and fatter.
    I would look at the processed foods, GMOs and the HUGE portions that Americans eat.

  9. Take chickens for instance. WTH do they put in the chicken feed to grow fasters? They are putting out full grown chickens when in the 1970's it took months.

  10. 46 days from hatching you have a full grown chicken, gee I wonder if this helps people getting fatter?

  11. 9:45 and 10:58 are both right!

  12. NO diet drinks, artificial sweeteners, processed foods,and so much more.

  13. They’re all white!

  14. I believe most of it comes from inactivity. Kids used to go outside and play all day. Baseball, basketball, football we played till dark. Now kids never go outside. They sit inside and play videogames, talk to friends on cell phone. The kids today are overweight because of this.

  15. 831 it’s fast foods fault?

  16. 9:06 you have it backwards there darling, you were so close! Private companies create the medication. The more unhealthy you are, the more money they make. They don't want to cure the cause, they want to sell you something to treat the symptoms.

    1. Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner. Absolutely correct friend. They are ALL killing us for a profit. The ENTIRE world are SOOOOO FREAKING corrupt just to make a buck.

  17. Well just look at them all they are MOVING not just shuffling along but with arm swinging strides. Clothes are nicer too.

  18. Not OC the pier in the background is off & OC never had canopy umbrellas as shown

  19. Given the number of speedos, no way that's America.

  20. cure for the cause? wtf? how about just stop eating everything in sight? there's only one cure for this! stop shoving food down your gullet!

  21. Northwest Woodsman: The most effective diet is what I call the Auschwitz diet. I tell my wife that you never see a fat inmate.

  22. The food industry isn't the ones shoving the food down people's throats. They are just giving people (who have no self control) what they want...cheap food that tastes good. Food doesn't make people fat, people make themselves fat with the foods they CHOOSE to eat.

  23. you need to exercise dailySeptember 1, 2019 at 6:06 PM

    People today eat as a Hobby....

    food is a necessity....not a hobby

    let a restaurant open....line raps around the building ....

    yum yum....cookie monster's must eat
    yum yum yum

  24. All the fat people are riding the motorized carts at walmart.

  25. One reason is that people on welfare many years ago had to stand in line to receive their free food. No food stamps. No SNAP or debit cards. You were given flour, sugar, blocks of cheese, peanut butter potatoes, lard, powdered milk to make your own meals. No sweets, no chips a no ice cream, no cakes pies, sodas. You made peanut butter cookies or fudge if you wanted something sweet. I weighed less than 100 lbs in high school and still around 102 and I am 72. Don't blame the food industry blame yourself.


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