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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Trump Ruins Democrats "Witch Hunt Garbage" - Will Release Transcript, Complaint, & IG Report By End Of Week

In what is likely to spoil the Democrats' week, President Trump - having already authorized the release of the "complete, unredacted" transcript of his call with Ukraine's president - is now set to release both the whistleblower complaint and the Inspector General report that are at the center of the impeachment inquiry by the end of the week.

Politico reports, according to a senior administration officials, The White House is preparing to release the documents to Congress over the next few days. The president has agreed to this move, the official added.

Additionally, the so-called whistleblower has sought legal advice and has released a statement:



  1. Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett:

    "This will blow up in their face like an exploding cigar."

    I love it.

  2. He or she’s lawyer worked for James Clapper. What a surprise


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