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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Judge: Students Can Sue Wayne State for Forcing Non-Christian Leaders in Christian Group

A United States District Court judge handed down a decision this week in favor of a group of Christian students that are suing Wayne State University over a policy that requires them to accept non-Christian students as leaders for their Christian student organization.

According to a report by The College Fix, a federal judge has ruled that Christian students at Wayne State University can move forward with their lawsuit against the university over its policy that requires them to allow non-Christian students to hold leadership positions in their Christian group.

The organization, the Wayne State chapter of InterVarsity, was shut down by the public Wayne State University over allegations that the organization’s policies on non-Christian student leaders were discriminatory.

In the fall of 2017, the university revoked the chapter’s official recognition and canceled all of its scheduled meetings. The penalty was imposed upon the group as a punishment for the group’s internal policy that non-Christians could not serve in leadership positions.


[InterVarsity Christian Fellowship USA is an inter-denominational, evangelical Christian campus ministry founded in 1941, working with students and faculty on U.S. university campuses. --Editor]


  1. The only non-christians would join a christian group would be to destroy that organization.

  2. It's absurd. The leaders have to be appointed. How would a "non" of any group be appointed?

    The premise that a "non" of any group would be appointed as leader makes no sense.

    I think, if I have it right, the Schools position is that no group can discriminate based on religious affiliation, and the group saying the leader of the group MUST be Christian... while that makes sense, violates the rule. The group is not going to appoint a leader that is not one of them, right?

    So, as per usual.. Christians don't want the same or equal rights, they want special rights.

    Not having a discriminatory rule in no way changed anything. They would still be able to appoint leaders of their choosing. This group wanted to be special... and I think it's petty.

    The Colleges rules were clear, and all groups played by the same rules. I cannot see any reason this Christian group would want to do this other than they want to be special, to have special "extra" rights and privileges.

  3. 1:45 is an idiot and hopefully when the christian's get done suing this bastion of socialism and stupidity it will no longer exist!
    how about we just make a rule a bout stupid people like you? would you follow that?

  4. @ September 26, 2019 at 6:44 AM

    I would be careful about who you call an idiot, when all you bring to the conversation is ad hominems and insults.

    You literally brought no ideas, nor any substance, nor forwarded the conversation in any way.

    Would you like to try again? Or is spewing vile and vitriol what represents the mild meek Christian?


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