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Sunday, September 15, 2019

Protesters Erect Trump-Like Rat Balloon, Change President Street To ‘Barack Obama’ Avenue Ahead Of President’s Baltimore Visit

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — If you walk onto President Street ahead of President Trump’s arrival Thursday, look out for a giant rat sitting on the street.

But don’t worry, it won’t bite.

The president is expected to speak at a Republicans’ retreat being held Thursday to Sunday at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel in Harbor East, and protestors are there too- with props.

A giant blown up rat with a Trump-like head is stationed off of Presidents Street, with a sticker attached to the base that says “Fight Fascism, Stop Trump,”



  1. WTF did Obama ever do for you, Charm City?

    1. My thoughts exactly!

    2. I gots a Obama phone

      and did not haves to work

  2. Goodness! What a bunch of whackos! Baltimorons!

  3. Those twits don't know what fascism is. The irony of it is that THEY'RE closest to being the fascists they pretend to oppose.

  4. That's soooooooo funny Baltimore is infested with rats there all over the place and those people act as if it's the cleanest place around. Yes I've been there i used to work in Baltimore not to long ago so i do know what I'm talking about.

  5. I'm not sure how the saying goes about putting lipstick on a pig. But if you put lipstick on Baltimore it's still a pig.

  6. Barack Obama Avenue? Baltimore City is a $hithole and always will be I guess.

  7. Who cares about Thug city--the giant rat should be named Cummings after the low IQ rat that has been in congress bilking the tax payers for 30 years

  8. Can African Americans be any more controlled?? Talk about modern day slavery. What ever they say. These ASININE FOOLS do it. Yet we spent trillions on these LOWLIFE POS SLAVE'S. PATHETIC!!

  9. Really? By protesting Trump 545? Or do you have some real examples?

  10. 8:18 It would take a month to expose all the hypocrisy alive in Baltimore. Start with the last mayor and the one before her. Marilynn Mosby the States Attorney. The refusal of prosecution of standing Maryland laws. Elijah Cummings and his wife's non-profit. The Freddy Gray case. The lack of police authority when the two legged rats burned the city. It is a crap hole from the bottom to the top don't kid yourself mouth breather. I think the hammer is about to fall on that sess pool of a city.

  11. I have seen different videos. They seem to be protestor but not actually from Baltimore. Just more liberal wackos. Leave it to the liberals to use a city for their own agenda. They are not there to help, they are just there to spew their hate.

  12. Obama and Baltimore deserve each other.

  13. Obama and Baltimore deserve each other.

  14. Baltimore is in the shape it's in because of Obama! They can thank that POS for all of it.


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