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Sunday, September 15, 2019

Maryland offers tax credit to help those struggling with student debt

Marylanders struggling with student debt have a week left to get some help with their loans from the state.

Applications for the Maryland Student Loan Debt Relief Tax Credit are due on Sept. 15.

Maryland comptroller Peter Franchot said the credit is open to any Maryland resident with at least $5,000 left to pay on their student loan debt.

“Fundamentally, it’s free money totaling $5,000 over a couple years that can be applied to someone’s student debt,” Franchot said. “It’s not curative because … people just have a lot of student debt, unfortunately. But it’s a positive contribution from the state of Maryland.”



  1. All these snowflakes need to do is join the armed forces for 4, 6 or 8 years and they will give them loads of money to pay it off. Better yet, join first and they will set aside the money for them to go to college after they have served their country!

  2. Maryland will be charging all taxpayers more to cover the credit. How about you let people pay their own debt they incurred?

  3. 'A positive contribution from the State of Maryland'. NO; it's MY TAX DOLLARS you chose to use to pay off someone else's Debt...Not good on any level.

  4. BULL$#!+. I had good grades and great SAT scores. I could have gone to a great college but passed because the expense was not worth it. I saw some of my dumbest classmates accepted and taking out loans. I was done sitting in a classroom because I found High School equally worthless. Now I'm getting taxed to pay for some MORON who got a Liberal Arts degree and can't pay their bills with their Walmart paycheck. Go to hell RINO Larry Hogan. This is redistribution of wealth plain and simple. I DIDNT SIGN YOUR LOAN YOU DID!!!

  5. Going to college is a personal choice.
    Paying the bill to go to college is a PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!!!

    It is not my responsibility to pay for someone else to go to college.
    Is this how reparations are going to be? People who never had slaves paying for someone else who had slaves??????

  6. The Democratic Socialist Republic of Maryland is making all taxpayers pay for student loan debt relief!

    This is NOT how I want my tax dollars used! These scofflaws made bad decisions with regard to their education and future employability and should be held accountable for them!

  7. Don't use my taxes, it's not my debt.

  8. Did Hogan, Franchot or the Democrat Legislature authorize this? I had to pay $60,000 College debt back by busting my ass with 2 & 3 jobs. Do I get aa refund since this is my tax dollars they are giving away, while I struggle as a senior citizen?

  9. I personally incurred about 40k in loan debt for both my BA and Master's about 35 years ago - I can't tell anyone that I truly understood the financial burden at that age, BUT I KNEW IT WAS MY JOB TO PAY IT! It took a lot of work on my part, but the loans were paid in full about 10 years into my work life. It was MY responsibility to pay these loans, and I am incensed that my taxes will now go to others who are irresponsible with their commitments! To those who cry about their debt, you made your bed, now lay in it!

  10. This is wrong. Simple as that Governor Hogan.

  11. Not your money to give away. Didnt realize Maryland was a socialist state.

  12. They all should be mandated to work and live in Maryland paying Maryland taxes for ten years to pay back to the Maryland tax payers. Nothing is free. Hogan, appointees and the Politians are the only ones getting a free ride on the tax payers, since they are destroying Maryland instead of improving Maryland.

  13. Democrats and Rinos are destroying the state of MARYLAND.

  14. Free? FREE??? Free as you take it out of my pocket. Taking is thievery in my book.

    Damn you HOOOOOOOOOGAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. I'm struggling with mortgage debt and car payment debt. Where can I get help? If you go somewhere and get a loan to go to college, then it is up to you to pay it back. What the hell is so hard to understand about that? Pay back your own damn loans.


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