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Monday, September 30, 2019

Pollak: Democrats Are Meddling in the 2020 Election

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) made a colossal mistake this week by agreeing to an impeachment inquiry before she had seen the transcript of President Donald Trump’s conversation with President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine.

It was a strategic mistake, because the evidence contradicted her claims. But it was also a terrible mistake for the country, because it cast the fairness of the 2020 presidential election into serious doubt.

Trump supporters will rally to support him at the polls — a lesson Democrats should have learned when Republicans lost the 1998 midterm elections in the midst of impeaching President Bill Clinton (who, unlike Trump, had actually committed crimes). Moreover, public support for the inquiry will collapse once the facts are known — through the media fog that is giving the misleading “whistleblower” complaint more credibility than the underlying evidence.

But Democrats hope that impeaching Trump — or even suggesting impeachment — will place a permanent cloud over his head that will make it impossible for him to win in 2020.

If they are right, Trump supporters will look at impeachment as the reason for his defeat. And the fact that Democrats have relied on a CIA source who had no direct evidence of wrongdoing in an attempt to bring down President Trump will be seared into Trump supporters’ collective memory.

The message Democrats are sending is that not only do they refuse to accept the results of the 2016 election as legitimate, but they are willing to use the intelligence community to reverse the results of that election.



  1. Trump will not be impeached to meddle with an election. He will be impeached for obstructing and for breaking the law.

    This spin on this is starting to get absurd. He with held money and aid that the Ukraine relies on for it's own protection, then reminded them how important it is for them, then started asking for favors, specifically getting dirt on another person running, asking a foreign country to meddle in an election. Immediately, the conversation was tried to be kept under wraps... and the day after the White House learns of the whistle blower report, money is released the the Ukraine.

    I don't see how you can call this anything other than what it is.

    I voted for Trump, but he's guilty. OH, so is Biden, probably.. and he should be investigated too. However, illegal is illegal.. it doesn't matter which team its on.

  2. Just proves there is a "DEEP STATE / SHADOW GOVERNMENT". That is attempting to over throw the US Government through lawlessness / coup. A "civil war" is closer than you think.

  3. 12:50 pm Where in the world did you get educated. Biden was on TV saying that he withheld money in Ukraine because of his son. He should have been prosecuted. I voted for Trump and will do it again. No where have I seen anything where he obstructed or broke the law. If you have please enlighten me because it is not in print. I check on these things thoroughly.

  4. @ September 30, 2019 at 1:30 PM

    If you check these things thoroughly, you would have seen Judge Napalitano, on Fox News, reporting the "brazen acts of corruption", and the law is campaign finance law. It is a felony to ask for or to receive to conspire and plan for or acquire aid for a presidential campaign from a foreign country.

    1. well they let Obama get away with it good for goose should have been good for gander

  5. Listeners, have you considered what's in it for you when Obama and his minions get ahold of your brains? My audience,the BRAIN Initiative (2013) will be the same brain-scanning machines meant to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease or autism could potentially read someone’s private thoughts. Why would Obama install Google, DARPA, and Microsoft as BRAIN initiative actives??? It's not for Alzheimer's, is it Obama (Cybernetic?)

    Computer systems attached to brain tissue that allow paralyzed patients to control robotic appendages with thought alone could also be used by a state to direct bionic soldiers or pilot aircraft. And devices designed to aid a deteriorating mind could alternatively be used to implant new memories, or to extinguish existing ones, in allies and enemies alike.

    could you not see with your owns Mind's Eyes? Could you not hear? You must wake up, sleeping wanderers! The BRAIN Initiative (skynet?) Is here !!!

  6. 2:18--
    It has nothing to do w/campaign finance, it is help in investigating crimes, which Clinton signed off on when he was in office. If it comes back to bite Hildabeast in the butt, too, how funny will that be?!


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