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Monday, September 30, 2019

A roundup of Maryland laws taking effect Oct. 1

ANNAPOLIS, Maryland — Hundreds of Maryland laws are going into effect Tuesday, spanning subjects from criminal justice reform to election law to medical cannabis.

A generous number of the bills fall under the subjects of criminal justice and health. Senate Bill 707, which passed in the 2018 legislative session but is going into effect Tuesday, bans the sale of bump stocks in Maryland. Penalties for offenses such as hate crime threats and solicitation for murder are becoming more severe, while gambling is being decriminalized.

House Bill 116 will require jails to screen all inmates for opioid use disorder, while Senate Bill 909 will require healthcare practitioners to obtain consent before performing certain bodily exams on patients who are unconscious or under anesthesia.

Age limits are also being changed in a variety of ways. The minimum age for purchasing tobacco products such as vapes will be raised from 18 to 21, while the minimum age of detention within the Department of Juvenile Services is being raised from 7 to 12, with exceptions for violent crimes. Minors are also now prohibited from using tanning facilities.



  1. Out of all listed I see only 3 were needed or adjusted the others are feel good ones.

  2. How will hey know if your bump stock was purchased prior to October 2018?

  3. Online sales tax...they do not care about businesses loss of sales due to online sales. They care because they aren't getting taxes from them.

  4. X = confused FREAK on your licence now.

  5. Your kids can decide to sign up to go to war at 18 but they are not capable of deciding to buy a pack of smokes or a beer until 21.

  6. How many laws does the "Free State" have now, anybody know?


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