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Sunday, September 15, 2019

Police: Couple spends more than $100,000 after bank accidentally deposits money in account

A couple in Pennsylvania is facing felony theft charges after spending money that didn't belong to them.

WNEP reports Robert and Tiffany Williams' bank deposited $120,000 into their account on accident.

It was a mistake made back in May by a teller, the news agency reports.

The couple did not contact the bank about the mistake but allegedly spent most of the money in two and a half weeks in June.

Authorities say the couple bought a car trailer, a camper, two four-wheelers and an SUV. They also used some of the money on bills, cash purchases and gave $15,000 to friends in need.



  1. I'd say the bank should eat it! They are already screwing every American!

  2. They did not steal it. It was not their mistake. It was a gift from the Bank. IF it was not discovered at the end of the day by checking receipts to deposits the Bank has to eat it.

  3. Now the question is, do they have to pay it back?

  4. Funny how when they take your money by mistake, you can never get that back or will spend more trying to fight in court to get it back than what is owed to you... And you dumb ass people of SBY keep saying nothing is about money... Hows those not for your money taxes treating you???

  5. It was an honest mistake. These poor people thought the money was from a ligitimate drug sale.

  6. Wasn't their money, and they knew it. Broke the law. Stole money that didn't belong to them. Now they will be punished. All is how it should be. There's a lesson here for those who think they can take the money and run with it, when a bank makes a mistake. There was a case just like this on the shore not too many years ago. He went to jail for withdrawing the money ($100K) that he knew wasn't his. It's just like the IRS refunding way too much on your 1040. Try spending that and not telling them about it. Oh yeah, they ALWAYS end up knowing about the mistake and will demand the money back. If you don't tell them about the mistake, you will pay interest on the mis-appropiated money until it is all returned.

  7. Finders Keepers or as a friend told me" they were stupid enough to give me a credit card."

  8. So if the account that was shorted didn't report it, just saying.

  9. They will have to pay it back but not guilty of thief...

  10. This is why banks have insurance .

  11. No theft involved, it was deposited in their account, it is theirs. Possession is 9 points of the law!

  12. I would have kept my mouth shut and quietly invested it - the bank would have figured out and then requested it back. I would then have certainly returned it but kept the interest.

  13. It absolutely amazes me the dishonesty that our society has created. It used to be that you didn't touch things that didn't belong to you because you knew it was someone else's property. People had a moral compass - a set of values and a belief in doing the right thing. Today it's whatever gives me the advantage. The deposit was a mistake made by some poor teller who undoubtedly paid a price for that mistake. The people who had that money deposited into their account knew that it wasn't theirs, but they spent it anyway. Shame on them and all the rest of you who think that's okay.

  14. 3:32
    Finally someone with some common sense! Did they really think they would get away with this? They didn't earn this money. Nothing in life is free yet people still try and are dishonest.

  15. 4:34 Learn a little bit about fractional reserve banking. The bank didn't earn it either, it was just created. None of these banks that illegally foreclosed homes got charged with theft. The law only applies to the little guy.

  16. I thought that was what insurance was for

  17. In Monopoly I get to keep the $200 bank error !

  18. No theft involved, it was deposited in their account, it is theirs. Possession is 9 points of the law!

    September 9, 2019 at 2:18 PM:

    Stupid much? You're the one they put in jail with stupid thinking like that. A bank error is not a "gift." Taking it as your own is theft. You probably think if you "find" a car with the keys in it, it's yours if you get in it and drive it to your house. So steal anything, and it's suddenly legally yours? Good grief. How stupid can a person get?

  19. Finders Keepers or as a friend told me" they were stupid enough to give me a credit card."

    September 9, 2019 at 1:46 PM:

    Loan that "friend" some of your money. He thinks the same way about paying you back. If you are stupid enough to give him money with a promise to repay, then it's your fault for losing your money. Guess what? I don't have anybody that I will call a friend that would act or say something ridiculous like that. If you agree with your friend, you are an untrustworthy POS that honest people should avoid.

  20. They will have to pay it back but not guilty of thief...

    September 9, 2019 at 1:57 PM:

    They started in negotiations with the bank with a re-payment plan, but then never followed through with it. And that is why they are now charged with theft. The repayment plan boat has already sailed. It's not coming back. The courts will decide their fate now. For that kind of theft, and the inability to repay, jail time is likely. They literally "robbed the bank."


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