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Sunday, September 15, 2019

A Viewer Writes............Car Jacking

A friend of mine from Willards got word that a woman's car was carjacked by a man wheeling a handgun this morning approximately 7am at the corner of Downing & Dagsboro Roads this morning. Apparently suspect was white with long blonde hair wearing a Packers jacket??? Have you heard anything about this?? More info?? Apparently suspect dumped her car in Delmar. ??????

Editor's note: We have received emails and comments about this but there have been no press releases about it. 


  1. Was yesterday. Dagsboro road and zion rd.

  2. According to police, nothing ever happens in Salisbury or Wicomico county, that's why you've seen no press releases.

  3. “Wheeling?” Try “wielding.” And maybe a dictionary next time.

  4. Where were the police?
    Why didn't they stop this crime?

    Oh. Right.

    They weren't around. In their view, it's better that you are dead than be able to defend yourself. However you spin it, THAT is their bottom line.
    Just carry.
    Jury nullification.
    NEVER let a stranger (who carries a gun, too) tell you which of our GOD-GIVEN (not by ANY man) rights he/she approves of and which one they will ALLOW you to use.
    They have forgotten their place.
    Keep cheering.

  5. Well thank goodness for the people on this
    Blogg helping keep everyone Informed!

  6. I want to see someone "wheeling" a handgun!

    1. He could have been wielding a wheel gun.

  7. Packer's jacket? Obviously he is mentally ill...

  8. Across the country there have been numerous claims of being carjacked.Some claims are legit and some are not.People must stand to gain something by making a false report.Because of those who falsely report police are trained how to scrutinize each report to determine legitimacy.In my personal opinion those who are proven to have lied about such a serious issue should be incarcerated.

  9. 10 12 thanks for catching that spelling error now get back to your job at wal mart you idiot

    1. Really. Never a slow response from the spelling police,is there?

    2. Jesus take the wield.

  10. 10:56 AM, this definitely is not a false report. If I had been that woman my foot would have been on the accelerator, all the way to the floor. Point another gun at me sucker.

  11. Car jacking... crack rental. Hmmmm....

  12. Odd place for a carjacking.

  13. who in their right mind would slow down, or STOP their vehicle when theres someone nearby waving a gun??

    idiots. thats who.

    my advice? speed up and create a speedbump out of them

  14. If this happened why are the residents NOT being told??? I live in Delmar, I certainly want to know if an armed man dumped a car near my home. I assume that they have not caught him yet ???

  15. Somebody has been arrested for this so either it's real or one guy is going to be really pissed!

  16. Typical cheesehead

  17. Anonymous lmclain said...
    Where were the police?
    Why didn't they stop this crime?

    Oh. Right.

    They weren't around. In their view, it's better that you are dead than be able to defend yourself. However you spin it, THAT is their bottom line.
    Just carry.
    Jury nullification.
    NEVER let a stranger (who carries a gun, too) tell you which of our GOD-GIVEN (not by ANY man) rights he/she approves of and which one they will ALLOW you to use.
    They have forgotten their place.
    Keep cheering.

    September 10, 2019 at 10:25 AM

    Hey Imclain, been awhile. How ya been?

    Good comment and I agree.

    A lot of people are not responsible with their rights. They are so willing to hand them over with a smile and too lazy to utilize them. That's also one reason why "they have forgotten their place". No one challenges them or hold them accountable.


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