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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Harris Statement on Trump Transcript and Impeachment Inquiry

WASHINGTON, DC: Rep. Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) commented on the White House release of documentation of the phone conversation between President Trump and President Zelenskyy of Ukraine. The link to the document is:


Rep. Andy Harris made the following statement:

“None of the allegations that Speaker Pelosi made yesterday are proven by the transcript of the conversation between President Trump and President Zelenskyy of Ukraine, and the White House is also preparing to release to Congress the whistleblower complaint based on this same telephone conversation. The transcript of the call is clear, and everyone should read it for themselves. Once again, no collusion.

In fact, for similar transparency, former Vice President Biden should release the transcripts of his conversations pressuring the Ukrainian government to fire its top prosecutor who led an investigation into a Ukrainian company that employed Biden’s son as an extremely highly paid consultant. Speaker Pelosi should also either stop this partisan impeachment inquiry because of the lack of evidence, or bring it before the full House of Representatives for a vote.


  1. Congressman Harris is 100% correct.

  2. The Democrats are so obviously desperate for anything to ruin the GOP and the successes of the past 2 + years. They have nothing in the wings, no platform, no credible 2020 opponent, and no credibility. AOC even remarked Democrats should risk losing reelection just to impeach Trump. WHAT!!!!!

  3. Well said Andy. However, when are the American people going to receive justice in regards to all of the corruption that has taken place by the Democrats, which has and continues to be a huge detriment to our Nation?

  4. ANDY is 100% correct.I'm so sick of democrats i could puke.


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