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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Harris Announces Local Grant for Alzheimer’s Treatment

WASHINGTON, DC: Rep. Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) announced the award of a $1,000,000 federal grant to Maintaining Active Citizens (MAC) Incorporated in the City of Salisbury. The grant was awarded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the funds will be dispersed through the Alzheimer’s Disease Program Initiative.

The Alzheimer's Disease Programs Initiative provides grants to support the development and expansion of dementia-capable home and community-based service (HCBS) systems in states and communities. According to MAC, their mission “is to provide programs and services that preserve dignity, health and independence for an aging population.”

Rep. Andy Harris made the following statement:

“As a physician, I am particularly aware of the devastating conditions caused by Alzheimer’s, and I applaud the award of this grant to MAC in Salisbury, which I visited recently and which is doing a great job helping our seniors. Alzheimer’s and dementia afflict too many people in our community, as well as their families and caregivers. This is a national crisis, and I am glad that this Administration is providing funds to our local community to help people in need.”


  1. He got the idea from watching the old Fossil Joe Biden on the last debate!

  2. Hopefully most goes to meals on wheels where it’s desperately needed.

  3. come on andy, will you please stop running our debt even higher? no f'n fiscal responsibility! if we wanted this we would have voted for your opponent, this is not the reason we voted for you!

  4. 6:20 are you for real? Billions to foreign nations and you say nothing but try and help our own and this is all you have. Bet you didn't even vote in the last election.

  5. I voted for this guy, but I wonder if he was a millionaire when he took office, or better yet, if he is a millionaire now. If he's made millions while in office (I'm pretty sure he's not a practicing physician now), then he just another swamp creature, that happens to be a Republican. No party has a monopoly on blowing smoke up our asses.


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