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Sunday, September 22, 2019

'Free the Nipple' movement: Women can now legally go topless in 6 states

Women in six U.S. states are now effectively allowed to be topless in public, according to a new ruling by the U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals.

The decision stems from a multiyear legal battle in Fort Collins, Colo., where a city ordinance forbidding women from going shirtless in public has now officially been ruled unconstitutional.

It's an outcome that affects more than just one town. Since the 10th Circuit encompasses six states — Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, Kansas and Oklahoma — the decision means it is now illegal for any town in those states to create a law forbidding public toplessness.



  1. Too bad I can't pick out the women I want to see topless.

  2. They're going to love that in Michiganistan!

  3. We need this here in Maryland! Especially in Ocean City! This will delight the guys, besides drinking in Bars there will be something else to do!

  4. There is nothing in the Constitution that allows one to run around half naked. Simple work around no one can topless!

  5. Won't be long before the Court hearing the OC case rules the same way.

  6. Hopefully not Nancy pelosi

    1. She was pretty tight in her day. That day is long gone.

  7. Americans are so stuck up on nudity, everyone has a body. Breast are normal, feeding babies is normal, sex is normal. What is not normal is Murder, yet your TV shows murder every night during prime viewing hours. If you don't like all of the killing why do you glorify it every night?
    How about promoting love and loving relationships? Start showing tv shows with men and women making love not killing each other.
    Same as on the beach, swimming with no suit is freeing. It is natural. Time for America to get out of the Victorian era and join the rest of the world in the 21st. century you prudes!

    1. I'd rather live with some class and dignity!! Time to get back in a good Bible based church

  8. just because they can, doesn't mean they should - is modesty dead?

  9. why is it only states that dont have beaches? They have to wear cold weather gear most of the time.Lets do maryland,va,nc,sc,ga and fla.

  10. Time to "Free the Vagina" instead of just wearing "Pink Pussy Hats" they should be free to show us the real McCoy! Like the UK person said, they all have one, and why be afraid to show it. The laws on nudity are outdated, nudity is just like free speech and should be allowed.

  11. I going there and become a serial nipple pincher.

  12. 1236 you are a moron. All sorts of pedophiles would love that being able to see little girls and little boys privates. I take a dump and it is natural. Do I want audience, I don't think so. It's time you grow up with some modesty and morals.

  13. All fun and games until the illegal immigration serial rapist end up in these cities and this ruling will be nill and void. F'ing liberal idiots hell bent on ruining this country

  14. And those who are still modest will likely leave those states.


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