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Sunday, September 22, 2019

Bike Lanes Began on 12/8/14

Hi All,

I received the PIA from the City of Salisbury in regards to the bike lanes. Before I release the entire PIA, I would like you to read about what the program is; read the info on the link. The other information is how we began this (these) projects. Please read up, and in a couple days I will dump the entire PIA on this blog.

It will include costs..... Stay tuned!!

Wayne King
Candidate for Mayor of the City of Salisbury

PS Coming soon PIAs on 2018 Folk Festival and the GEESE! 


  1. Go Wayne

    we will vote for you

    Send Jake Day back to Sanitation at Perdue.

    Jake Day cleans Latrines in the Army...

    Everyone knows how well Day can clean toilets...

  2. These bike lanes are designed to create dangerous situations on the highway. They are not continuous, crosses over vehicle lanes. Where they intersect with the vehicle lanes who has the right of way? If bikes are given these lanes then they better know how to yield and how to obey traffic laws. These bike lanes does nothing to connect areas of interest. They are allowed on major highways but not allowed on the by-pass, why is that? Why are the bike routes not constructed on low traffic streets? That would be the safest and most common sense thing. Who will be held liable for these creations when a biker is involved in and accident and dies, since there is no markings describing who has the right of way? Just look on 13 by College Ave intersection. Totally absurd planning fron idiots.

  3. They took 50 to spend what in tax money?

  4. Looking forward to the snow plows removing those lil day humps!

  5. The bike lanes are messing up my he traffic pattern. 1 biker to 500 cars Bad idea

  6. These bike lanes were built to please a small crowd of what are now rabid Day supporters. I was there. Now I get why it all seemed so odd at the time.

  7. The soon to be constructed circle/roundabout on Mill Street will cost about $1.5 Million dollars to construct (I have the proof from the city minutes of a meeting). Rumor has it, the state said it will not help traffic and told Jake not to do it.

    1. It will be a small circumference like the one on Walston switch. The traffic flow there is bad but the circle will just divert traffic elsewhere like these bike Lanes. Until a snow plow takes out "my humps my humps my lovely bike lane bumps"

  8. So an ESTIMATED 4.2 Million for bike lanes? Follow the money

  9. I hope the snowflakes don't get run over (

  10. Snow plows? I bet nobody even thought about that. Just like the little blue reflectors the fire department glued down...until the first pass with a snow plow!

  11. I bet they get around the snowplow issue by not plowing the bike Lanes since no one will be riding a bike in the snow and ice anyway.

  12. Some one needs to interview Salisbury's biker clubs and groups as to just how many bikers use these roads. The bikers that ride to & from work are few. That means that most of these bikers are recreational riders, and wouldn't they prefer nice country scenic routes or in the park area. Why would one assume that they would choose bad roads, heavy traffic, and a ride through the getto that is the City of Salisbury?

  13. September 19, 2019 at 8:28 PM;

    Rumors are just that, rumors. They are not fact. The ones that spread rumors while knowing they are not fact, are liars. They have an agenda if they are spreading rumors around with nothing to back it up. I have to say it...you sound like the democrats trying to get Trump with nothing but false rumors.

  14. Has anyone else noticed that Jake Day has never really held a real job?


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