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Monday, August 05, 2019

WILLIAMS: Being A Racist Is Easy Today

Years ago, it was hard to be a racist. You had to be fitted for and spend money on a white gown and don a pointy hat. You celebrated racism by getting some burlap, wrapping it around a cross, setting it ablaze and dancing around it carrying torches. Sometimes, as did Lester Maddox, you had to buy axe handles for yourself and your supporters to wield to forcibly turn away black customers from your restaurant. Or, as in the case of Theophilus "Bull" Connor, you had to learn to direct fire hoses and vicious police attack dogs against civil rights demonstrators.

Younger racists, along with their parents, had to memorize poems for whenever a black student showed up for admission to their high school or college. For example, "Two, four, six, eight, we don't want to integrate!" Of course, there were a host of racial slurs and epithets that could be hurled with impunity at any black person in your presence.

In earlier times, you didn't have to be sophisticated, but it took a bit of work to be a racist.

Today, all that has changed. To be a racist today takes little effort. For example, one can sit back in his easy chair and declare that he's for across-the-board tax cuts. That makes you a racist. If you don't believe me, think back to 1994 when the Republican-led Congress pushed for a tax-cut measure.

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  1. DemocRATs are going to get there civil war they are TRAITORS TO AMERICA.

  2. DemocRATs keep saying "WHITE NATIONALIST" They are putting a TARGET on ALL WHITE PEOPLE.

  3. Black lives matter are THEY Black supermists ?.

  4. In my day when you set up a cross for burning you wrapped it in Burlap and doused it with Kerosene. Back then I was a member of the Knights of the KKK.
    We all were here on the shore. We also were all stupid registered Democrats!
    Then many of us, like weeks old Puppies, opened our eyes and saw that the Democratic Party wasn't doing anything for us white working people. Many of us are now good Republicans!
    This President has done more for America, and its citizens than any other.


    1. Trump just threw you under a bus Klan-boy.


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