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Monday, August 05, 2019

Cummings speaks publicly for first time since Trump tweets

BALTIMORE —U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings spoke publicly Saturday afternoon for the first time since the president criticized him and Baltimore in the last week.

"Come to Baltimore. Do not just criticize us, but come to Baltimore, and I promise you, you will be welcomed. I promise you, we will give you every bit of hospitality we've got because every time you come to Baltimore, every time you spend a few dollars in a hotel, that means somebody in this neighborhood is working. It gives them a job. It gives them hope," Cummings said. "It is an honor to be associated with all of these good people."



  1. Come on down to the inner harbor where roaming groups of young people are just waiting to help you with the sites,sounds and the opportunity to pay them not to show the workings of the local hospitals!

  2. Where did all the money go? You can’t even pick up the trash.

  3. Just don't go at night huh cummin'...

  4. More lip service from an establishment politician. Is Cummings delusional or just stupid? He needs to roll his sleeves up and get to work in the city.

  5. What I don't understand is that trash collection is free in Baltimore. The taxes that hard working people pay takes care of that. So if it's free why can't these people put their trash in a can and put it out for pick up instead of dragging it down the block to an empty lot and throwing it? And then have the balls to blame the city, the property owner and/or any one else but themselves. If you choose to live in garbage accept the results.

  6. Exactly 9:09, I am from the district next to Elijah's (a little better) and it is a rat infested sh*t hole. My family has lived in Baltimore for generations and have been robbed, beaten, my cousin was shot multiple times on her front porch. Why the hell would anyone want to go there?

  7. 10:44, I used to live there. Some of that garbage is from people who were evicted. There is nothing sadder than seeing little kids toys thrown out in the street piled up in front of a house with someone's entire belongings. It takes a while for sanitation to clean up a mess like that. I don't know the eviction circumstances but I guess they couldn't afford to move their stuff. I feel sorry for the kids.

  8. 10:44. Some of the garbage. Where's the rest come from? The inhabitants need to take the responsibility for their circumstances. Take pride in your neighborhood and in yourself. No excuses. Maybe Colin Kaepernick can start an initiative to bring pride back to the inner cities. Probably not though, would be hard work. Easier to take a knee and blame white people.

  9. If I want to commit suicide I can do it easier than having some dope dealing thug shoot me in the head. Has everyone forgot they robbed the Deputy Police Chief three weeks ago and injured his wife.
    Let Cummings go downtown with his walker device and lead the way. What a dumb-ass. They'll still vote for him though!!!!!

  10. there aint no hotels in those ghettos Cummings. The thugs burnt the stores down in the riots. Anybody with any good sense will go No where near there. especially if they don't want to get shot up.

  11. yeah Cummings needs to walk through those streets and with no body armor, nor protection along about midnight. Lets how he makes out.

  12. He's old, and this is probably his flast term, he had to use a walker to make his comments


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