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Sunday, August 18, 2019

Wicomico Council Votes 6-1 Against Rehiring Attorney

SALISBURY – Officials in Wicomico County last week voted against a recommendation to rehire Paul Wilber, who was terminated from his position as county attorney in May.

County Executive Bob Culver, however, has since announced the appointment of Wilber as acting county attorney effective immediately.

On Aug. 6, members of the Wicomico County Council had before them a recommendation to appoint Wilber as the county’s attorney nearly three months after the council voted to remove him from the same position.

In May, the council voted 6-1, with Councilman Bill McCain opposed, to fire Wilber effective July 31.



  1. I am a big supporter of Culver, but have no confidence in Wilber base on direct experience.

  2. Ditto that, 9:11. He cost Salisbury millions while lining his pockets from his "mistakes".

    1. What mistakes?? ANOTHER know NOTHING jagoff. He got millions back from John Jacobs WWTP that NEVER worked. He saved the city thousands from lawsuits from ASININE city and county lawmakers. TYPICAL Salisbury jagoff. ALWAYS running their MOUTHS without examples. Have you heard our recent city attorney speak?? Talk about a FREAKING moron. You must be related to him.

    2. Who IS the city attorney now? Can’t find it online.

    3. Haha! JAGOFF! You must be from Pittsburgh!!

    4. With all the BS COMMENTARY about Wilbur being ANYTHING other than a professional. I wish I were from somewhere other than here.

  3. Strong words there guys from 955. Any comebacks?

  4. Wilber was the city attorney that approved and passed along to the mayor (Tilghman) and city council the contract for the failed WWTP with a ONE MILLION DOLLAR CAP ON LIABILITY on a project costing over $65 million. The refit, which took over ten years (and may not completely be finished even now) cost over $80 million. The $14 million award lawsuit was handled in court by a Baltimore attorney, who took 40% off the top. Wilber got paid, too, during the lawsuit, but he was just there to provide guidance to the outsider and to do cleanup work.

    Wilber was also the city attorney who approved the legal contract language for the Old Mall housing/commercial space project in the early 2000's. That was contested by a group of Salisbury citizens and went to court, where Judge Jackson gave Wilbur a spanking for trying to put one over on taxpayers by calling a zoning apple a zoning orange. As a result, the multimillion dollar project was cancelled and the property has sat vacant (except for the little asphalt mountain and some overpriced county parking lot space) for close to two decades.

    1. Those are two of the most memorable! Too many to count including upset about how the city was charged. 9:55, if you’d paid attention to city government for any length of time you’d know this.

    2. GOTTA 11:01. Too many to count. But does give ANY example. I guess if you payed any attention to city government you would actually know what you're saying. More SHOREBILLIE politicians. Lol

    3. GOTTA 11:01. Too many to count. But does give ANY example. I guess if you payed any attention to city government you would actually know what you're saying. More SHOREBILLIE politicians. Lol

    4. 11:01 what are you talking about?? He's a lawyer. Not a engineer. It's obvious you don't know WTF your talking about. He can only give advice. Then the powers that be can take it or not. Your blaming a bus driver for a botched surgical procedure. WOW. Talk about trying to fit a narrative.

  5. Well Bill McCain you need to get out more. I, for one, haven't heard a single neighbor say they did want Wilbur. And Roscoe? That is a joke, right?

  6. Saved thousands? Looks like he lost millions.

    1. If you can't give examples. STFU. You sound stupid. Where's the FACT'S?? It's ALL been documented. Hell JOE posted most of it. Look it up LAZY!!

  7. Also the leases for his buddies on City and County Buildings, have cost many more millions and gone into the pockets of the old hag mayor and husband!

  8. Let's see: $65,000,000 loss minus $8,000,000 suit payout = $57,000,000 loss;

    $80,000,000 required revamp plus $57,000,000 loss = $137,000,000 loss;

    Tax loss on over 700 housing units at Old Mall site = $375,000 minimum per year (add commercial space taxes, too, maybe $200,000?) = $575,000 per year. $8,625,000 loss over 15 years.

    $145,000,000 in lost tax revenue and expenditures made necessary by just two of his mistakes, and a WWTP that's the cause of a debt that our grandchildren will be paying off.

    How many thousands is that you say, 9:55, he's saved the city? Let's see YOUR examples and see how they stack up against his downside.

    Oh, let's also include the Maryland Department of the Environment fines for the sludge and untreated water going into the river from the failed WWTP and the mess that was the cleanup. Easily a quarter million dollars, none of which went to river remediation but came out of the pockets of Salisbury taxpayers, like all the rest listed.

    1. Your figures are wrong. But I'll have them soon enough. But I guess according to your account. Wilbur was an Engineer, city council, mayor, contractor, accountant and lawyer. HAHAHA. WOW.

  9. HAHAHA blame the lawyer for the asinine engineer JOHN JACOBS for convincing city council and Mayor for his FAILED PROFESSIONAL OPINION. Talk about someone who was CORRUPT and taking kickbacks from the contractor. Then he ran away. But it's ALL THE LAWYER FAULT. LMAO. WOOOOOOOO. YOUR A SMART ONE. MAYBE YOUR JOHN JACOBS??

  10. John Jacobs (Barrie Tilghman's handpicked public works director) was way out of his league. Nobody here said Wilber was at fault for the WWTP failure, just that he failed to protect the city against its failure. Insuring your new $300,000 house for $500 would be something you'd do? We'll give some credit to the council for this foolish decision, but remember that one of them was an engineer working for SHA, a person with over 25 years of municipal and state large scale construction expertise.
    As for you, you started by calling names and continue to throughout. Along with your twisted logic, that's rendered you impotent in this discussion.

    1. REALLY?? What engineer from SHA?? That's your argument?? SHA with 25 years experience and we still had a failed WWTP. LMAO. Lawyers can only give legal advice. They can't make IDIOT political hacks take it.

  11. Is it just me, or does 9:55 sound like a drunken idiot itching for a parking lot fight?

    1. Why? Because he seems to have his facts straight??

  12. 9:55 has yet to present any facts, but he sure can YELL.

    1. His presentation was spot on. I'm listening to both sides and as a retired city employee. He seems to have more validity than most of the here sayers. Just saying. All I hear are others bashing. Go figure.

    2. His presentation was spot on. I'm listening to both sides and as a retired city employee. He seems to have more validity than most of the here sayers. Just saying. All I hear are others bashing. Go figure.

  13. Culver wants him. The council doesn't. Culver has been out ranked by the vote of he Council. Why doesn't Council want him? Why does Culver want him? whats the squabble? Can't they meet in the middle and put a fresh new face in that they can all agree on? I'm tired of the bickering back and forth. Nobody wins here and the tax payers are the losers.


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