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Sunday, August 18, 2019

A $9.4 billion sea wall for Delaware?

As Delaware and other states come to grips with the effects of sea level rise, we can expect to see some dire predictions.

One example came out earlier this year in a study from the Center for Climate Integrity,which partnered with Resilient Analytics. The message – Delaware needs to “build the wall.”

The center, which leans well to the left and isn’t talking about that wall, blames big oil for global warning and wants the Exxons and Shells of the world to pay up.

The study claims seawalls will be needed to protect the nation’s lowest-lying state. The cost – a whopping $9.4 billion.



  1. They also want to make money building that wall.

    Gotta purge DE of liberals before it becomes another MD>

  2. Soon enough the public will realize it is too late for Delaware. Move towards the mountains soon.

  3. Just where is the sea level rising? Point to just one specific spot where the sea level has risen in recorded history. Go ahead, I'm waiting.

    And I mean sea level rise, not land subsiding because of erosion. I'm still waiting.

    1. Hey doofus, the same folks who do the measurements demonstrating subsidence are the same folks bringing you measurements showing sea level rise. Stop cherry picking facts and for the life of me, read the whole book, not just skim the purty pictures, before you spout off.

    2. All along the Outerbanks. Cape Hatteras lighthouse had to be moved because of it.

  4. SCREW Delaware. Secure the southern border.

  5. Who cares about Shore line property. Bring on the off shore windmills. I am invested in technology not elite real estate .

  6. I told you before

    we must ban all vehicles bc of climate change

    everybody must ride a bycycle to work, grocery stores, vacation, ect

    join us @ banyourcar.com

  7. They could build a wall on the border for that price...

  8. Wait ten years. It'll be a trillion $.

  9. Crank up the money printing presses!

  10. Send That $$$ to Trump's WALL First !!!!!

  11. Need that More on the Mexican Border before Delaware !!!

  12. And now we know the REAL reasons for the global warming/ climate change narrative: it's all about extracting money from the corporate 'monsters' and redistribution to universities and nonprofits. It's all about money and who controls it.

  13. "All along the Outerbanks. Cape Hatteras lighthouse had to be moved because of it."

    Duh,the sea level on the Outer Banks has not risen one inch. The beach eroded away because of wave action. Nice try, though.

  14. That's WAY inflation never in a Million years will ever go away ! ..invest wisely My Dear Blogger Friends ! ....

  15. 657 Doofus, we spend how many billions on NASA for satellites and all kind of technology and science experts, yet you think you know more than them? LOL

  16. "657 Doofus, we spend how many billions on NASA for satellites and all kind of technology and science experts, yet you think you know more than them? LOL"

    No scientist or "expert" has ever demonstrated where sea level has actually risen at Cape Hatteras or anywhere else in the world.

  17. I thought that climate change was a hoax

  18. GO put your head back into the sand. Oops,...I'm sorry that sand is gone

  19. Send that $$$ to Trump for Border Wall !!!!

  20. Hell the damn Democrats just Waisted 167 Billion on damn ILLEGALS !!!

  21. 3:47
    The lighthouse was moved due to erosion. Look it up. "In 1999, with the sea again encroaching, the Cape Hatteras lighthouse had to be moved from its original location at the edge of the ocean to safer ground. Due to erosion of the shore, the lighthouse was just 15 feet (4.6 m) from the water's edge and was in imminent danger."

    Storms continuously batter the shore line down there. A storm comes in...batters the ocean side and it pushes the water our out of the sound......and then after the storm leaves that water comes rushing back in. That is usually what causes most of the flooding. It comes from the sound....not the ocean. I have to give NCDOT credit. They are the fastest I have seen with keeping open a road or fixing a road.

  22. iv'e been hearing about the rising ocean waters since high school. Ocean City is supposed to be gone by now. The De beaches, gone! The bury the new beach water front properties. Guess what??? it's all still there! it has gone no where. Still the same levels it was 50 years ago. The De waters do not need a wall. If you have that kind of money to burn then send it over to the southern border. Why do you need a wall? Were all gonna be dead in less then 10 years now. How do i know this? AOC said it so it must be true.

  23. Make the Demon-crats Pay for it ALL !!!!

  24. The wall is to protect the elite Delaware beach house owners. Wake up people.et them pay for it not taxpayers.

  25. The bay on one side the ocean on the other side Of Hwy 1. Sounds like a waste of money. Nature will take it back one day.

  26. Sea level has never risen it’s erosion

  27. 835 LOL sure. Now go hangout in Annapolis and tell us how that theory is working for you. Then head down to Norfolk, the SC coast, Miami, etc.


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