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Sunday, August 25, 2019

Trump signs memo to eliminate disabled veterans' student loan debt

President Trump has signed a memorandum directing the Department of Education to forgive all federal student loan debt owed by veterans who are "completely and permanently" disabled.

The policy change will eliminate "hundreds of millions of dollars" of student loan debt, Mr. Trump said in announcing the memo at a speech to the American Veterans 75th National Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. The memo Mr. Trump signed on stage Wednesday directs Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie to create an expedited process to make sure those veterans have their debt discharged with minimal burdens, according to the White House.

"I'm proud to announce that I am taking executive action to ensure that our wounded warriors are not saddled with mountains of student debt," Mr. Trump told the convention before signing the memo. "In a few moments I will sign a memorandum directing the Department of Education to eliminate every penny of federal student loan debt owed by American veterans who are completely and permanently disabled."



  1. GREAT idea. We give Every other no good sob POS WELFARE citizen and illegals free TUITION.

  2. Man, he makes Obama seem SO irrelevant now, doesn't he? Talk about washing the dog shit off your shoe.

  3. 840 Obama signed an EO that drastically expanded Vet preference to bring our warriors into the civilian workforce. Trump did something good here. So good that it stands on its own merits with no need to try to bash something else that was good.

    1. Wasn't what Obama did was gave employers a "limited" tax break for hiring vets, limited time wise, time runs out so does job....

    2. Cant quite understand what you are trying to type but I would remind you to simply look up the order yourself doofus. It is still in effect and having positive benefits for Vets. You guys have grown way too confy with just making up garbage and inserting it into the discussion.

    3. Employers already receive a tax break for employing vets. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit.

      And it wasnt Obama that did that.

    4. Dude keep up. I am not talking about the tax credit. I am talking about the highly publicized EO he signed that set up several mechanisms to increase Vet employment. If you werent so hell bent on trying to blindly push a bogus political narrative, you would know the EO im talking about. Im sorry Rush Limbaugh forgot to inform you about this and tell you what to think.

  4. This Free shit for everybody has got to stop!! As a DAV myself how is this acceptable to everyone? I never accumulated any student loan debt so what entitlement do I get in place of this?

  5. So what ever happened to the GI bill where vets college was paid for? These vets shouldn't even have the student loan debt.

  6. Debt? Thought GI BILL covered that?

    1. GI bill ended back on the 80's or 90's. Replaced by Mobtgonery GI bill.you contribute to it while on active duty and get money for school when you leave service. Like a 401 k but for education. Not as popular as the old GI Bill.

    2. You're right. The G.I. BILL was awesome. Go to ANY school for free. Montgomery SUCKED. Try to put money away for school at what they were paying you back in the 80's.

  7. This isn't forgiving anything. This is tax payers paying these millions.

    1. As a veteran, I'd rather pay for a disabled veteran than an illegal immigrant anyday.

  8. I see your point 228. They may work a formula out on a tax form according to income vs debt instead of just handing checks out. It would be complicated of cours because it's gov't doing it.

  9. The only problem is people will begin to scam this as usual. You will see ALL KIND'S if so called disabled claims now. The one's that do deserve it won't get it.

  10. 9:25am 8:42am here.

    Keep up with what? You rambling? Your head nod to some Executive Order? Be more vague please. No narrative here and Rush is a fat turd. You just want to argue to seem like you know what you are saying. Anyone with an ounce of sense sees you throwing around insults, assumptions and playing identity politics.

    So put up or shut up.

    What EO do you mean? Clarify your point as I did. WOTC are intact and offer incentives for hiring Vets.

    Otherwise you are just another loud mouth, limp, keyboard warrior who is so sure they have a clue when they really don't know anything. Well I do know what I am talking about.

  11. 1157 Obama signed a single highly publicized EO on Vet preference that was one of his signature moves (regardless of whether you like it or not). If you are unfamiliar with the order then you show you are not qualified to debate the topic. Par for the course for this crowd. "Debate" topics you have never gathered the facts about. Come back junior when you have done your homework.

  12. Northwest Woodsman: These veterans are a small voting block so it is obvious to me that President Trump is doing this for the right reasons and not to pander to some group to secure votes.

  13. 9:54
    I'm pretty sue the intent of the announcement is to encourage the population to worship warfare, as usual.
    Put those who kill others on behalf of the bankers onto a pedestal and we will each worship them.
    Killing others so globalists can steal the natural resources of a country is not noble.
    Wake up folks.

    Think for a change.
    Stop falling for these mind control techniques - they are very crude and easy to identify.
    Educate yourselves!


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