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Sunday, August 25, 2019

Attorney General Frosh Announces New Effort To Halt Illegal Robocalls


  1. What a joke! This Frosh guy makes a lot of noise, files a lot of lawsuits but in the end he has accomplished nothing and he never will.

  2. I hope it works. We had a robocall at 11:30 PM the other night. The person was selling some kind of insurance. We have had a home phone for about 39 years. Calls like that will cause us to get rid of it. We are on the no call list and have been for years. Robo calls are about the only calls we get on the home phone except for elderly relatives.

  3. Robots, calling. Why?? You know "why"! To insert their ""thoughts"" into your neural networks!! Just like the ULF AND ELF transmissions!!!

  4. Why not simply let the software companies fix the problem like Apple is doing with their next OS?

  5. The first thing he’s done that I agree with.

  6. ...elsewhere Baltimore's schools continue to not graduate students with a basic education yet they now have a task force to develop LBGT programs for the schools in Maryland. Will we soon have homeless neighborhoods separated by sexual preference?

  7. With ALL the problems we have. With ALL the STUPID things this AG has done and said. This is what he's worried about?? THANK GOD HE'S almost GONE!!

  8. How are they going to trace or identify these robocalls when they use business, private and individuals numbers which they hack? Sounds like their idiotic gun control bills when they never introduce legislation that takes weapons out of the hands of criminals and have severe penalties for these criminals instead of punishing law abiding citizens. Typical liberal feel good Democrat.

  9. What? Frosh is doing something good,and that will actually benefit

  10. Heard this before. No change

  11. Frosh do what we pay you to do.

  12. Frosh thinks their coming from President Trump

  13. Obama Crooked BastardoAugust 22, 2019 at 11:37 PM

    8:58 Is correct, heard that before. It may sound good, but Frosh is running another Dog & Pony show. In typical liberal fashion looking for "bribes". As soon as those "robocall companies" pay up, it will be back on.

  14. I use an answering machine. They call less frequently.

    1. Exactly. After about a good week. They all STOP.

  15. Get rid of land lines and only anwser calls you know on cell phones
    Problem solved


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