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Monday, August 05, 2019

Translator, 22, who dismissed her hacking cough as 'part of winter' is diagnosed with stage four cancer

A 22-year-old was diagnosed with stage four cancer after dismissing her hacking cough as part of 'winter in Canada'.

Magdalena Bujalski, of Winnipeg, blamed the cold weather when she developed the symptom at the end of January.

When she eventually saw a doctor, her cough was dismissed as bronchitis and she was prescribed antibiotics.

However, the medic recommended she have an X-ray to be on the safe side, which revealed an unusual mass on Miss Bujalski's right lung.

This led to her being diagnosed with advanced Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma on March 15.



  1. gotta love that socialist medical care in canada, doctor dismises a cough as bronchitis, then tells the patient, but if you want a real diagnosis go see a real doctor.so she does and finds out it`s actually cancer. sounds a lot like the care you get here on the eastern shore at PRMC.

    1. Have to agree with you. Or they will outsource you for more tests to different doctors because they know you have good health insurance that will pay even when nothing is wrong with you...

  2. Oh boy! Can't wait for the Dems to shove that socialized medicine down our throats if, God forbid, they win the White House and Senate...oh wait...you would have to wait forever for your appointment....


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