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Monday, August 19, 2019

Stacey Abrams Says Voter Suppression Worse Now Than In The 1960s

Failed Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams suggested voter suppression is more “insidious” today than it was in the 1960s, and she reiterated her claim she “won” her 2018 election.

“We have always struggled with voter suppression,” Abrams said to ABC’s Lindsey Davis on Sunday. “But what’s happened in the last 20 years, is that it’s gone underground. It’s no longer hoses and laws that say you cannot vote, it is this insidious nature that says it’s race neutral, that we’re just putting in these laws in place for everyone, but we know it has a disproportionate effect on the communities that have long been marginalized.”

Abrams said there has been a “constriction” over the past two decades on who has the right to vote, repeating her long-held views that voter ID laws and other election regulations are “rigging the game” against people of color.



  1. If Stacey said it must be...

  2. I just read the first page w/o hitting more. Just couldn't do it. I was thinking, "what the hell is she talking about"?

  3. Every person of age and citizenship has the right to vote, with only the proofs of those two things necessary to do the deed. How hard is that??

  4. Stacy stoking the fires!

  5. Either she's really stupid or she thinks her audience is that stupid. Either way, an honest media wouldn't cover such nonsense.

  6. I'd say that voter identification laws are there to protect "people of color". As a matter of fact, they are in place to protect people of ALL colors from voter fraud. How about them apples Stacey.

  7. She's abusing me with her NASTY looks...

  8. The gap between her teeth is cutting the air off from her brain.

  9. Northwest Woodsman: They are successful at navigating the system to get their EBT cards and Section Eight Housing but can’t manage to figure out how to vote? Maybe if they are that stupid, they should not be voting in the first place.

  10. Who is stacey abrams and why do i need to listen or believe her? All she has done is lose and complain. not too smart either



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