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Monday, August 19, 2019

Rep. Harris Announces $150,000 in Grants for Rural Development in Somerset and Talbot Counties

Rep. Harris Announces $150,000 in Grants for Rural Development in Somerset and Talbot Counties
WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Monday, August 19th, Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) announced a total of $150,000 in grant awards in Somerset and Talbot counties through the Department of Agriculture’s Office of Rural Development. Specifically, the grants include:
$50,000 to assist with the purchase of an enhanced security system and an emergency chase vehicle for the Princess Anne Volunteer Fire Company.  The new vehicle “will benefit the region and citizens by providing more reliable, enhanced medical and emergency services and address the growing Opioid crisis by delivering antidotes for individuals that have overdosed,” according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).  The funds were awarded through both the Economic Impact Initiative Grants program and the Community Facilities Direct Loans and Grants program.
$50,000 to assist with the funding of a pre-school facility at White Marsh Elementary School in Trappe, Maryland. The project includes “the relocation of a temporary classroom from Easton Elementary School.  Talbot County Board of Education assisted with the relocation and placement of the structure.  The new pre-school facility provides child care for the Town of Trappe,” according to the USDA. The funds were awarded through the Community Facilities Direct Loans and Grants program.
$50,000 to assist with the funding of a street sweeper for the town of St. Michaels, in Talbot County.  The funds were awarded through the Community Facilities Direct Loans and Grants program.
Congressman Harris made the following statement:
“As a member of the Agriculture and Rural Development Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, I understand the need to invest in rural America and support our local economy. These awards from the Department of Agriculture are a welcome investment in Talbot and Somerset Counties, and as a physician, I am particularly committed to improving medical services in our local communities and assisting families impacted by the opioid crisis.”


  1. More free stuff that we can't afford. Does Harris know that the government is 22 trillion dollars is debt. It's time we stop spending, period.

  2. Politics as usual

  3. Based on the average worth of a house in St Michaels I am questioning that they need a $50,000 grant for a street sweeper. There are other small communities that could have put that money to good use.

  4. Does anyone else remember when one of the first things business owners did in a business day was take a broom to the sidewalk outside the storefront?

  5. Andy just bringin home the bacon like a good responsible fiscal conservative. Hypocrite!

  6. Free money everywhere except for small businesses that keep America going.Small business doesn’t want a handout just be able to borrow money at affordable interest and our leaders should do more to help that happen.

    1. Ummmm you've had 10yrs of sole of the lowest interest in history. Cant get a business loan on the Shore? Maybe its because customers on the Shore are broke. Not much cash to flow in when your customers work at walmart.

  7. What happened to all of that federal and state money given to Maryland Broadband to bring high-speed internet to rural areas like princess Anne, crisfield, etc? Let's get those local WiFi towers up and running so we don't need to pay Comcast $120 per month for high speed internet.
    If I remember, that's how the local politicians spun this in the first place.

    1. I would pay 150 for high speed internet instead I pay 150 for 2 dsl lines. So slow we can't stream netflix or play a current xbox live game. It is terrible. I love .2 miles away from the md broadband line on rt 50.


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