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Sunday, August 25, 2019

Someone Stole The Trump 2020 Flag From Caribbean Joe's

My Grandmother always said, "Someone must have needed more then you did". I guess there is a bright side to situations like this but come on people, at least leave the flag pole behind, LOL. 

Nevertheless, we only have around 5,000 Trump Flags and of course I replaced it right away and if necessary we will do so up to 5,000 more times, if you get my drift. 

There are some Liberals that will say this will hurt my business, NO IT WON'T. In fact it has increased my business. Here's how I look at it. Caribbean Joe's is quickly becoming the go to place to hang out for Locals. It's clean, the food is fantastic, the drinks are ice cold, the pool is open to the public. Our Staff is second to none. If Liberals chose not to enjoy this environment because I/We support our President, well, that's your loss. In the mean time we will enjoy the very like minded customers who do in fact take advantage of a really cool place. Yesterday at Caribbean Joe's below.
Need I say more?

In the mean time, remember Folks, I'm married to a Liberal. We AGREE TO DISAGREE on many political issues but we do NOT hate each other, so stop the hate. Stop STEALING. Remember, I have TWENTY very high definition cameras around my establishment and I can and will catch the next person who attempts to harm my business.  For now I'll treat this like my Grandmother suggested, someone needed it more then I did. 


  1. Hogan needed it. Oh I forgot he is a non-Trumper. That is why he took it.

  2. What's the evidence that a Liberal stole it?

    Plus, sure it's gonna hurt your business. I'm Conservative and think Trump is reprehensible, and wish that there was any other Conservative running against him now. Those flags, would keep me out of your establishment. Especially if I went in and it was maga swag everywhere.

    I can't even talk to someone wearing a maga hat... it's like trying to hold a conversation with someone wearing a modern day dunce cap.

    BTW... I DID vote for him... but he's been just and outright disappointment and embarrassment to the nation, I just want him gone.

    1. Uh, I don't see any indication that he blames a liberal literally, just referring to them in a loving way. It's probably a harmless prank by someone who couldn't care less about politics. But the way you never Trumpers and the left carry on, what better prank to get gullible people like you fired up. As far as you not liking Trump, man you have that right day in, and day out. I get it. Just try not to look like such a whiney baby about it. My best to you.

    2. Your embarrassing.

    3. Greatest president ever
      TRUMP 2020 MAGA/KAG

    4. 12:05 Not a disappointment to the WHOLE nation. You have always been a never Trumper. You only voted 4 him because like a sheep you follow the pack. You didn’t think for a minute he’d win did you?😉

    5. 12:05 you're a RINO/POS too, just like hogan, bet you went to the wicomico county fair just to shake his hand, didn't you ?

  3. Re: married to a liberal

    Yep, same here, I'm (R) and wife is (D), but I still drive her to the polls every year, fully knowing she will probably cancel out my vote. But we each have the right to our own opinion and to live in peace.

  4. That's very rare , married to a liberal , most of them divorce because of all the issues now a days , I feel sorry for you and the others who are married to liberals . Maybe she stole your flag .

  5. Why can't all conservatives and liberals agree to disagree? It's gotten too nasty on both sides.

  6. 12:05, See, you have every right to your opinion and I respect that. So you hate my beliefs and you remain anonymous, claiming you'll not come to my establishment because I support our President. What a shame, for you. As a businessman, I know that the mass majority of every eastern shore county overwhelmingly voted for Donald Trump. I have been to his rallies here on the shore where tons of people had to stand OUTSIDE because it was so packed. I respectfully disagree with you. I am at 72,000,000 hits on this Website because I support our President. Notice how WBOC, WMDT, the Daily times and all other forms of mainstream media REFUSE to openly publish their traffic/subscribers. That's because I'm kicking their rear ends. The Fake News is that there are so many people against our President and guess what, it's a lie. It's fabricated and it's Fake News. My Website and business success absolutely proves I am right and you are wrong.

  7. NYPD police chief just fired officer pantello. Garner case


  9. maybe somebody took the flag because they wanted one but didn't know where to get one?

  10. Perfect example of childish behavior

  11. The man said he's got 5000 more flags. No flag, no problem.

  12. Conservatives don't usually take what is not theirs. This is someone that hates TRUMP.

  13. I heard Jared Schablein, Michele Gregory and Jake Burdett were behind it. They have been bragging about it on Social Media.

  14. Anonymous said...
    What's the evidence that a Liberal stole it?

    Plus, sure it's gonna hurt your business. I'm Conservative and think Trump is reprehensible, and wish that there was any other Conservative running against him now. Those flags, would keep me out of your establishment. Especially if I went in and it was maga swag everywhere.

    I can't even talk to someone wearing a maga hat... it's like trying to hold a conversation with someone wearing a modern day dunce cap.

    BTW... I DID vote for him... but he's been just and outright disappointment and embarrassment to the nation, I just want him gone.

    August 19, 2019 at 12:05 PM

    Hey Dip$hit, what has he done that has been an outright disappointment and embarrassment to the nation?

    Me thinks you are a lying a$$ Democrat!!

  15. Anonymous said...
    maybe somebody took the flag because they wanted one but didn't know where to get one?

    August 19, 2019 at 6:04 PM

    Then maybe they should have been honest and went inside to see if anyone wanted to sell it.

  16. Anonymous said...
    Conservatives don't usually take what is not theirs. This is someone that hates TRUMP.

    August 19, 2019 at 7:52 PM


  17. Northwest Woodsman: From my prospective, President Trump has been standing up for our country and, for the most part, getting things accomplished that ultimately will protect us. I just wish he could move faster and rid us of people and policies that are intent on turning us into another third world country. Despite the venomous opposition from Marxist democrats and a hostile press, he has accomplished an enormous amount of important things like pushback of stupid Obama executive orders, reduction of constricting regulations, and I believe he will get us out of Afghanistan. He has finally brought some class to the White House which was sorely needed after the previous administration’s lower class origins. I’m particularly fond of the FLOTUS who is stunning in every way. Interestingly how the media showered praise on the mutt that previously held the position, but completely ignores the best representative of our country in my 77 years.

  18. I too have always thought as Mr Trump as reprehensible. He is embarrassing.
    I didn't like him when he ran in order to get his best friend, Hillary elected.
    I didn't like him when he agreed with the bosses, and accepted the POTUS character / role after she died.
    She was terrible.
    He is terrible.

    They both work for the same bosses - the richest banking families in the world. Globalists. Communists. Talmudians.

    But Mr Albero has a right to fly the flag of his choice.
    And nobody has the right to steal property from another.
    I believe in freedom.

    Thank you


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