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Sunday, August 25, 2019

Pushback grows as states require LGBTQ history

WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) — Illinois recently became the fourth state to adopt a policy requiring public schools to teach students about the contributions of LGBTQ people to society, and Maryland is primed to become the fifth.

While advocacy groups say the curriculum promotes inclusion and acceptance, but some faith-based and conservative groups call it a government overreach that ignores some families’ religious beliefs.

The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest gay rights advocacy group, has been championing the lessons that highlight the accomplishments and struggles of LGBTQ people throughout history.

“There’s something so important about seeing yourself reflected,” said Sarah Warbelow of the Human Rights Campaign. “Ultimately, we really do need every state to incorporate LGBTQ history.”



  1. MARYLAND.............DON'T YOU DARE!!!!

  2. This makes no sense at all....."required"..what are the kids saying? Why not let them decide, give them an alternative class to choose from? I really worry about their future.

  3. How can they have history? Two women going at it can't reproduce, two guys going at it can't. A guy turned into a woman can't. Their history ends when they die, end of story.

  4. Do away with the education department. It's ran by GAYS, pedophilia predators, and ANTI AMERICAN foreigners.

  5. " but we’re not going to refuse to allow children have access to information,” Warbelow said."

    Really, are you going to tell them about the suicide rate of these mentally ill Trans people.

  6. The schools need to start teaching history, period, before they want to get in to specified subject matter.

  7. how about just for the skools that have heat and air conditioning? give the extra money all this SJW costs to skools to buy heat and air conditioning!

  8. A requirement to pander over 3% of the population? Why not the 100% needing reading, writing, and arithmetic skills? How about a basic morals class?

  9. oh theres an agenda. they are out to destroy any sense of moral sanity. this philosphy goes against every word of GODS perfect plan for man and women. ironically, while these activists argue that a homosexual orientation is fixed and immutable, they incoherently claim that gender is fluid and changeable. Caitlin Ryan, a gay activist, clinical social worker and researcher at San Francisco State University spoke of this shift in our cultural mindset:

    "I think the fluidity of gender is the next big wave in terms of adolescent development… Gender has become part of the defining way that youth organize themselves and rebel against adults."1

    In short, a profound deconstruction of gender is taking place within every arena of society that undermines the fundamental order established by God Himself — reflecting the very essence of who He is and who we were created to be. And when God's order is deconstructed and redefined, the consequences for gender, sexuality, individuals, marriage, family, and society are profound and far-reaching.


  10. However, in our modern culture, the focus on diversity can become its own god. Diversity itself is revered rather than the One who created that diversity. An emphasis on diversity tends to highlight our differences. God is more concerned with unity (Ephesians 4:3). Galatians 3:28 says, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” God is saying that our differences are not what should define the children of God. Those who belong to the Lord Jesus should first define themselves as God’s children. We must be willing to set diversity aside in favor of unity in spirit. Jesus’ passionate prayer in John 17shows that His desire for His disciples was that “they may be one as you and I are one” (verse 22).

  11. What does a person's sexuality have to do with ANYTHING beyond their own bedrooms? Who cares about that kind of crap? I don't ever recall reading anything in a history book tying bedroom activities to historically valid accomplishments - who cares about their between the sheets moments??

  12. Their new History books will say all of the explorers on the ships slept together in the bunks, and enjoyed each others company like lovers!
    Lewis and Clark were actually a Gay couple.
    Abe Lincoln sleeping with his law partner was really a sexual relationship.
    Orval and Wilber Wright were having an insestual relationship.
    When Jefferson Davis dressed in his wife's dress to hide his identity to the Unio0n soldiers, he actually was just dressing as a transgender woman.

    Yup, going to rewrite the books to make it all right to be LBGTQRSTP whatever.

  13. The lefties that control MD will make this happen. Sickening.

  14. Some of the commenters are aware that this agenda is Satanic in origin. However even they will refuse to identify those who are “liars, like your father, Satan”

  15. What are they going to rewrite? First guys on the moon were lovers? God actually created Adam & Steve? David & Goliath were really gay friends?

  16. I am still waiting to to here one historical LGBTQ fact that was world changing.....anybody??

  17. People..........fight this with all your might.

  18. Why do we have to point out anyone's sexual orientation? It is irrelevant to the subject being taught. It's not a school systems purpose to promote sexual proclivities.

  19. Remember when a pervert was just a pervert?

  20. Call it what it is “ child molestation “

  21. A vote for democrats is a vote against America.


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