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Sunday, August 25, 2019

AOC: Electoral College a racist 'scam' that 'has to go'

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says the Electoral College is a racist “scam” that should be abolished.

The Democrat congresswoman posted an Instagram story Monday that started with her driving along a deserted highway and joking about how many votes there are in rural America.

“We’re coming to you live from the Electoral College,” Ms. Ocasio-Cortez said, National Review reported. “Many votes here, as you can see. Very efficient way to choose leadership of the country. I mean I can’t think of any other way, can you?”

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez cited a March New York magazine article that said black, Hispanic and Asian-American voters are under-represented by the Electoral College compared with white Americans.

“Due to severe racial disparities in certain states,” the congresswoman said in her video, “the Electoral College effectively weighs white voters over voters of color, as opposed to a ‘one person, one vote’ system where all our votes are counted equally.”



  1. Trump July 30: China had its worst growth in "27 years" (accurate)

    Trump August 9: Worst growth in "35 years"

    Trump yesterday: "A lot of people are saying the worst year they've had in 54 years"

    Trump today: "The worst year in 27 years, but I think it was actually 52 or 54 years"

    1. Which of Obama's 57 states did he say that in, lol?

    2. 9:05 You’re deflecting from the real issue. And that is your party is full of idiots like AOC😂😂

  2. more scree from that flake - who cares what she thiks

  3. Either she's drinking the latest liberal-narrative Koolaid or making it.
    We went from Russian collusion to racism almost overnight! That's all that the democrats have since they are losing the black vote.
    The question is: who is behind the think-tank that starts the latest liberal narrative? Soros? NY Times? CNN? It must be a single source because all of the MSM liberal sources regurgitate it almost in unison.

  4. It's a RACIST scam because you can't manipulate it. But it got Carter, CLINTON and OBAMA ELECTED. Kids should be seen. NOT HEARD.

  5. Hey 9:05 that's what happens when you trade your intelligence briefings for Fox news.

    1. 934 replying to her own comment. How cute!

  6. Poor, stupid AOC.

  7. truly a clueless child.

  8. So, AOC has finally gotten down to the bottom of her deck and has pulled the race card to complain about the Electoral College. It was only a matter of time.
    2020 will put her and her idiot friends to pasture, hopefully.

  9. NO < She has to GO > !!!!

  10. She is clueless! A few months ago she thought the Electoral College was where people went to become Electricians.
    A few months ago she had her personal stuff shipped to Seattle because she that she'd get a jump on apartment hunting in Washington.
    Just last month she said there was a animal under her sink that growled when she turned on a light switch. (it turned out to be a Garbage Disposal)

    Very brainy Millennial.....

  11. So the best thing we can do is stop listening to her

  12. 905 every second China is losing money. You clearly pointed out a month between comments. So how is he wrong? Take your calcium pill and have your applesauce honey.

  13. She needs to go back to the bars in New York
    and lap dance for money

    she is wasting my tax dollars

  14. AOC wants to know why they keep talking about 270 when she knows there is 110, and 220 plugs not 270.

  15. 8:33 Yes 270 Electoral Votes to win the Presidency!

    TRUMP! 2020!!!

  16. It (Electoral College - US Government in totality) . . . is an organ designed to enslave the population to a handful of elite families who can trace their lineage backwards for 2,000 years.

    All modern governments are designed to protect the richest families' property and interests.

    Wake up and educate yourselves


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