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Sunday, August 18, 2019

Petition seeks to rename street in front of Trump Tower after Obama

NEW YORK — An online petition to rename Fifth Avenue in front of Trump Tower in New York in honor of former President Barack Obama has gathered more than 75,000 signatures.

The petition on MoveOn.org cites among Obama's accomplishments "saving our nation from the Great Recession; serving two completely scandal-free terms in office; and taking out Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind September 11th, which killed over 3,000 New Yorkers."

It asks for Fifth Avenue between 56th and 57th streets to be renamed for Obama.

If the street name was changed, the address of Trump Tower would be 725 President Barack H. Obama Avenue.

Elizabeth Rowin, who started the petition, told Newsweek she meant it as a joke, but she says she heard from members of the New York City Council who say they want to pursue the idea.



  1. He didn't save us from the great recession, he increased the misery and unemployment rate!

    He also set the clock back in race relations more than 50 years. He was one of the worst presidents in history. At least Jimmy Carter can no longer say this!!!

    WHe had 0 economic growth during his presidency.

    He was also a racist towards white people and very arrogant.

    I remember the Obama years as a nightmare and it was a relief when he was no longer in office!

  2. It's still a joke --- a bad one.

  3. They're not even naming a street after this putz in Chicago. One would think that New Yorkers would be smarter than that.

  4. Trump doesn't care what the street is called. I think it would be a nice contrast. Trump has a multibillion dollar tower on a street named after the dummy, where cars run over it all day wearing it out. And it's black top at that. Love it, hahaha.

  5. Are they going to call it "recession way " ?

  6. 10:22. How can you be so blinded by your politics? By every objective measure the economy, unemployment rates and the stock market did nothing but improve year after year throughout the Obama administration. In fact market gains have actually softened over the past 2 years compared to the previous 7. You don’t have to like Obama but you can’t just wish away facts.

  7. Barry Soetoro way, rainbow crosswalks the whole length of it.

  8. Are New Yorkers really this stupid? I gave them more credit than this. This is the man who ruined our country in so many ways..........financially, racially, did away with respect for police officers, deemed everything ok that the ghetto thugs did, instantly jumped in any racial conflicts always blaming whites and law enforcement. As mentioned in one of the above comments, even Chicago isn't dumb enough to name a street, dumpster, or anything else after him. Who could blame them?

  9. 1022, you do realize Obama stepped into a global recession that started months before election day and over a year before his first budget was enacted right? You do realize that after we finally bottomed out in 2010, Obama's avg monthly job numbers were just as strong as Trump's are now and the stock market more than doubled. These are actual facts. Wish you guys would use them sometime. If you did, you would see that American came through a tough time under Obama's leadership and pushed forward and build very strong momentum. That has continued under Trump.

    1022, I'm wondering what your views are going to be when we dip into impending recession under Trump. What magic fantasy narrative will you pull out of your hat then? Well, I'll preview the facts to you all now. The market def is going to tumble as what goes up, must always go down. Won't be Trump's or Obama's fault. Just a natural cycle after 10 years of solid growth. Don't get caught being idiots. Go into your retirement accounts and sell those stocks. Lock in your gains with safer investments then get ready for the recovery.

  10. I want to sign the petition to NOT name it after Obummer.

  11. Under Obama, who inherited a recession , the unemployment rate went form 9.6 to 4.6. Under Trump 4.6 to 3.6. You can have your opinion but you are not entitled to your facts

  12. Change the MLK street name, after all it is named after a lying whoremaster!

  13. Makes sense. OBAMA has been ROAD KILL since PRESIDENT TRUMP got into office.

  14. President Trump needs something to piss on...

  15. Obama made no accomplishments other than going from poor to rich after his 8 years as a racist in the White House he never produced an American Birth Certificate to this day. He & Hillary had Al Sharpton to the White House 63+ times a man who still has never paid his taxes and is one of the worst racist and media hogs to put himself center stage every chance he gets. There should be nothing named for Obama except putting us back to the 50's & 60"s racism. Where is George Wallace when we need him, Martin Luther King was a real American a real leader and a real minister of the people the wrong people have died and the real bigots live.

  16. 11:21
    Obama served two nightmarish terms.

    During his time in office, the unemployment rate stayed stagnant at only two percent. When Trump became president the unemployment rate went from two percent to over 3.5 percent within the first two years of his presidency!

    He has done more than Obama did in his two terms of office, and he has the Gaul to try and take credit for Trumps success!

    He was total failure in domestic and foreign affairs.

    I am glad he is gone and hope he goes back to Kenya where he actually came from!

    Maybe he can fix the problems there!

  17. Correction on my previous statement, economic growth under Obama was less than only two percent. For eight years the economy was stagnant. Wages and jobs were also stagnant. We had the highest number of people on public assistance for both welfare and food stamps during the Obama administration. That is a fact! There were also more people who had dropped out of the job market applying for Social Security disability. Obama care was a total disaster and is still a disaster!
    Within the first two years of the Trump administration the economy went from less than two percent growth to over 3.5 percent growth. That is also a Fact!

  18. Like it said above............Obama ruined this country!

  19. Spot on 10:22,and your delusional if you believe otherwise or not a small businessperson.

  20. under Obama we saw the most people on foodstamp in American history. The un-employment rates among blacks was also the highest in American history. What did he do (Obama) for people of color? put them in the un-employment lines! Obama did nothing while in office except pad his and Biden's and his other croonies and families pockets. outside of stirring and creating backwards race relations. He was a community organizer and thats what he did. Organize a bunch of race baiting.

  21. Not gonna happen, but keep wishing you liberals out there. You know what they say about wishing .... see which hand fills up first lol

  22. I’m gonna barf!


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