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Sunday, August 18, 2019

Nashville Orioles? Baltimore needs a local buyer to step up to the plate

BALTIMORE — These summer nights are bleak at Oriole Park, as witness Saturday night’s 23-to-2 loss to Houston. But the future’s a deeper concern. Reliable sources say we might be headed toward the end of the Angelos era.

These sources say principle owner Peter Angelos’ family has held extensive discussions about selling the team they’ve controlled for the past quarter-century. The same sources say Angelos’ sons, John and Lou, lean toward a sale.

There are complications. At 90, Peter Angelos’ health is fragile, and he’s no longer active in Orioles’ matters or his law office. His sons have assumed their father’s old responsibilities.

In Peter Angelos’ absence, though, principle ownership of the club would go to his wife, Georgia, who is reported these days to be consumed with caring for her husband.



  1. The Orioles have been above .500 nine times since 1993. The attendance is in next to last place because of the lousy record. And they have the nerve to loose rumors about selling and moving the team? The Angelos family should be ashamed of those results. They may have kept them in town, but just like Dan Snyder in Washington, they are losers who will pocket a bundle when they sell.

  2. Been wondering how long the O's and Ravens were going to stick around that rat infested, drug engorged, u know the rest...

  3. And this is who Jake turned to, to save his folked festival? Dwindling attendance at the ball park and he thought this was gonna save him.

    You just can't make this stuff up!

    1. Funny - I thought the same thing when I heard about DAY'S PLANS.๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  4. Sell, nobody wants to go to thug city to watch a ballgame and other ball clubs do not like playing in thug city either.

  5. It can't happen any sooner. Angelos has not spent any money on this team and it's time a new owner did.
    I seriously don't think anyone is dumb enough to move the team. The oriole's have some of the most loyal fans anywhere.

  6. Baltimore is driving them out just like they did the Baltimore Colts. The fans were always treated like 2nd class citizens and it got so you could not afford the cost of a night out.

  7. Baltimore does not deserve to have any pro sports teams. They can not even cover basic services. Let them leave.

  8. And we get stuck with the stadium. Flea market, anyone?

  9. The Knorrs are looking into the purchase .... word on the street ...

    1. They couldn't pay their bills to the city. Or was Jake just covering his tab?

  10. We can only pray that Peter Angelos and his Douche Bag son John P. Angelos sells that shit storm team.

  11. Anonymous said...
    And this is who Jake turned to, to save his folked festival? Dwindling attendance at the ball park and he thought this was gonna save him.

    You just can't make this stuff up!

    August 14, 2019 at 1:58 PM

    HA!! There was no one at the game when Pu$$y Jake "Gay" Day threw out the first pitch. I saw the video and the pictures and Hardly no one was there. And I kid you not, my 4 y/o daughter can throw better than Jake Day left-handed and she is right-handed. Jake Day looked like a prissy little girl throwing that baseball. I could hear people laughing at him. Did Jake Day play sports in baseball?? What a Wuss!

  12. Sadly the "residents" and the Mayor and Council of Baltimore City only support basketball. Any guesses why?

    1. Yes I know why, but they won't allow me to say it here

  13. all the new baseball stadiums are way down with seating capacity. +40K seat stadiums since they priced out the average family. Playing to a limited audience. let em sneak outta town like the colts!

  14. Bye.

    The team, to be nice, isn't very good, but even if they were who the hell wants to go to that part of Baltimore when the games end after 10pm?

  15. Maybe the Orioles should just sell their franchise. Baltimore seems to be a loser.

  16. Orioles has always been an Angelo write-off. They have had ALL STAR players they refuse to pay and they left, which ruined the team as contenders. They also overpriced their prices for their farm teams. Use the Shorebirds as an example.

  17. dont worry....be happyAugust 14, 2019 at 8:00 PM


    Jake Day wants to purchase the Orioles with tax payers money....ASAP

  18. The current owner has done a poor job with the O’s . They never try to put a good team together in years. He will spend misfortune a pitcher with 5.25 lifetimes era!o have seen some good kids on the. eastern Shore the O’s should have known about. Who paid millions to Chris Davis who can’t even bat his weight! Maybe a new owner would be a blessing!

  19. Only past living players are in my sorrow !!! Palmer ..Cal ...and all the living that played ..sorry you have to see this !!!!

  20. Anonymous said...
    Sadly the "residents" and the Mayor and Council of Baltimore City only support basketball. Any guesses why?

    August 14, 2019 at 4:57 PM

    You beat me to it...

  21. John P. Angelos blocked me on social media because he is a liberal Progressive supporter of Kapernicki

  22. 10:24, For what it's worth, Mr. Angelos is not a healthy man at this time with alzheimers. There's no possible way he could block anybody from social media.

  23. Screw the Orioles


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