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Friday, August 02, 2019

Non-homeless, non-handicapped man making $1,000/weekend panhandling

An Abilene, Texas man -- who appears to be homeless and handicapped -- is making a good living by panhandling on weekends, according to the police chief.

Chief Stan Standridge said the man panhandles every Saturday and Sunday at the intersection of Hwy 83/84 and FM 707.

He sits in a wheelchair and the police department has gotten calls from people concerned about the man thinking he's homeless.

Standridge said the department's homeless outreach team has been in contact with the man.

They learned he is not homeless. Standridge said the man lives in a home in south Abilene.

He is also not wheelchair-bound, according to Standridge.



  1. People like him are the reason the rest of us are so leery of helping anyone begging, same scenario here in Salisbury, multiple times they are either drug addicts or “professional” beggars.

  2. I never give money. Period. But I will buy a soda and sandwich to give.
    Having said that, just a few days ago, I saw a lady & her son getting out of an average looking van at the corner of Wendy's and the north Walmart. They had a cardboard sign and sat under the tree. So it does make it frustrating, if you are truly trying to help a needy person.

  3. Why isn't he being Arrested.

  4. At least he isn't just sitting on the sofa, eating bon bons and waiting for the welfare check...

  5. Pretty good schtick...location, location, location.

  6. Lock him up for Fraud !!! Scamming the public !!! Fake


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