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Sunday, August 25, 2019

MSEA Poll: Maryland educators face increasing financial strains

ANNAPOLIS, Md. —A new poll finds an increasing number of Maryland educators work second jobs, spend their own money on school supplies and run up personal debt to make ends meet.

Findings from the Maryland State Education Association's poll include:

  • In the last year, 94% of Maryland educators paid for school supplies out of their own pocket, an increase over the 91% of Maryland educators who indicated that they did so when polled last year.
  • In the last year, 50% of Maryland educators held a second job to make ends meet -- up 9 percentage points from the 41% who held a second job the year before. Among educators under 30, 57% worked a second job in the last year.
  • Debt is a problem for many educators: 44% have run up personal debt to make ends meet over the last year, up 10 percentage points from the previous year. 



  1. Why do my children have to spend $100 each on school supplies when the school staff is going out into the community giving away free supplies??

  2. Just shows that teachers are in the same boat as 99% of Maryland population..

  3. 1) These people knew the salary well before they accepted the position.

    2) It makes perfect sense for them to have a second job because they have 2.5 months in the summer they have yo fill with something.

  4. Who wrote this, the union officials?

    Second jobs can mean lots of things, including taking a coaching position for $1000 or so for the sport season, mentoring/supervising extracurricular activities, tutoring, working a summer job, working a weekend job, joining military reserve units, etc. In other words, this is nothing that about half of the working stiffs in the nation like me haven't done in their lives.
    As for teachers providing teaching materials, that's not their job. Maryland has money for that and local Boards of Education should be on it. If they're not, why not?

  5. A lot of state employees have to work 2nd jobs. Even those of us who work 12 months out of the year.

  6. 10:39
    I have to wonder if that second job is a summer job. If that is the case this is a bit flawed.

  7. Wow. Maybe MSEA should stop collecting over $500,000 per year from Wicomico teachers! That would put more money in a teachers pocket. Then again, most teachers are still dumb enough to give it to them! Glad I give them $0 because they do 0 to actually help teachers. Can’t wait to see what Dumocrat they endorse for Prez! This teacher is voting Trump 2020!!!!

    1. You and most teachers I know. Trump 2020!!!

  8. So tired of their whining.
    Thankyou 10:19 AM

  9. Teachers in Wicomico County with just a bachelor's degree start at over $44,000, plus state benefits, for 9.5 months of the year.

    Base salary for an accredited first year MD State Trooper (college degree optional but encouraged) is $48,000 for 12 months of the year. How many MSP troopers have part time jobs "to make ends meet"?

    As for the burden of college loans for new teachers, it was a choice.

  10. Boy, it sure is a good thing that Maryland's schools have all of those new hundreds of millions of dollars from casinos to be able to fix the problems of not enough school supplies. Duh.

  11. You call them educators?? REALLY?? Look at Maryland's educational qualification. Are kids have become MORONS from these so called educators. BETWEEN STATE and FEDERAL TAXES. WTH are they doing with all the money?? MORE teacher conferences in O.C.??

    1. Teachers can’t teach because of all the thugs in the classroom.

    2. No. Teachers can’t teach because of all the liberal policies that leave them powerless. And who lobbies for these broken, liberal policies?.....the union of course!!! Teachers need to open their eyes!! Your union is NOT on your side! They make you believe you need them but they are actually making your job harder!!!! Besides squawking about salaries, what have they truly done to address your issues??? Teachers are supposed to be educated, but when it comes to the union they are truly dumb and blind!!!!

  12. Agree with 11:09 AM Where IS all that money from casinos and lottery going?

  13. People with no formal post-secondary education are always citing, "it was their poor choice".
    No it wasn't their poor choice.

    They were lied to about college education.

    Quit complaining about something you know nothing about because you were too stupid to be accepted into a college.

  14. 11:03 giving me hope for the future!

  15. Lol, too stupid to be accepted to college? You must mean smart enough to get into a trade and NOT go to college!

  16. I work for the state and most of us here in this office who are single work more than one job. It's the reality of things now days. None of us are moaning about this. This is the reality for everyone who cannot make ends meet in this economy. So all I can say is suck it up buttercup!!!!!

  17. Close the public education system as it's a complete failure and has been for over 40 years.
    Open up a private voucher system and let the teachers work like most people as private citizens, and get paid by their performance, not because the union or county council decides to pay more.

  18. I just love it when someone with a college degree puts down someone that doesn't have one. I have seen people with a degree that doesn't have the common sense to pour piss out of a boot. Also there are quite a lot of people successful without that degree.

  19. I am a teacher in Wicomico county with 25 yrs. Of experience. I make a good living, but still have a second job because I like the extra money. Too much money is spent on education with zero accountability. Teachers salaries around here is Not the problem. Way to much money is spent on useless positions and programs. MSEA is a completely fraudulent organization. Their salaries are much higher than any teachers in the state. They never have any solutions to anything other than more money. I got out of the union years ago when I realized their game. Accountability and school discipline is the answer. Everything else is a waste of time and money.

  20. This is 10:39 AM.

    When I mentioned working stiffs and included myself as one, I was not excluding college graduates.
    As for myself, I went to a trade junior college, then worked for a few years in the trade, then joined the military using that trade college knowledge (which enabled me to move up ranks faster than my peers and get better assignments, and, most importantly, to be left the hell alone most of the time) then got two professional degrees during and afterwards in the profession that I chose as an eighteen year old.
    The whole time I was working for someone else, punching a timeclock,
    eventually making more than the national average and having a solid retirement program. I am now a retired working stiff.

  21. How much is being spend Per Student/Per year by the taxpayers?

    How about knocking down the over bloated salaries of the administrators?

  22. Anon 11:03 AM & 3:58 PM you give us some much needed hope in the education system. Now would you please put in some of these useless positions and simply explain why they are useless. Also with some examples about too much money and no accountability. These are important items to bring out into the open so that someone could conduct some investigation on them. Thank you, Let's get something going.

  23. Please, quit complaining teachers!

    Good Salary, Great Benefits, worth
    thousands more, and you still complain.

    1. Teachers wouldn’t complain if they could actually do the job they went to college for and received support in the classroom from administrators and parents.

    2. Teachers don’t complain about their salaries. It’s the union! Pushing for higher salaries is the only thing unions do to make teachers believe they are working for them when in reality they could give a rats ass!!! Want discipline in the classroom? Tell your union to stop backing policies that take discipline away! Want to reduce testing? Why hasn’t your union fought against all the over testing? What have they done to better your job? Please let us know. And if you don’t know, why do you give them $615 per year per teacher? Wake up teachers!!!!

    3. I left the union for those exact reasons. Plus the fact that everyone in the union makes a lot more money than teachers.

  24. Northwest Woodsman: I’m sure that Cummings is actively working on this problem. Just make sure he is re-elected and he will solve all your monetary issues.

  25. Dear teachers reading this post:

    The recent 'Janus' case decided by SCOTUS has ruled that the mandatory dues rule is not legal. Simply, decline you union membership, and reclaim your dues. By doing so, you do your part to take down an association that supports ultra liberal policies that erode instruction and defy common sense.



  26. lied to? well the marines lied to me, so I went and got a better paying job! it's a free country! stop crying for the taxpayer to bail you out and figure out how to get a better paying job. of course your new boss will expect results right away!

  27. 8:17, I'm a teacher and you've never heard me complain. So please stop your narrow minded whining and accusations.

  28. Paladin, teachers in Wicomico county have never been forced to pay union dues. It is and has been voluntary. I resigned from the union when we figured out they were nothing more than liberal moneymakers.


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