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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Liberal Logic


  1. Republican controlled Congress people...

  2. Sleepy Joe, go away.

  3. Time for this one to go home.

  4. Misrepresentation and mischaracterization the does nothing to help the discourse, nor does it solve any problems.

    Show me where Biden blamed all of Americas problems on Trump. Go ahead. I'll wait.

    THIS kind of thing IS the problem. Nice cozy confirmation bias. Doesn't really help anything, but makes ya feel good.

    1. Obama Crooked BastardoAugust 9, 2019 at 11:59 AM

      After 36 years of Flip-Flopping and making failed policies, Sleepy Joe has got you amused into believing he can "take it in different direction"?! Really? After 8 years of being Obama's best pal?! Biden's own staff sent memo to Barrack Not To Endorse Biden! They don't want Any Bad Publicity from the 8 years of Total Failure, so they can "distance themselves" and brainwash fools like you.
      When Sleepy Joe raised his hand in support of Giving Illegals Free Healthcare - he should of been disqualified from any public office. Maybe he should go back to be Snake Oil Salesman from Scranton, PA.

  5. Racist peodophile anti American flip flopper.

  6. Maryland Senator Steve Hershey and RINO Hogan want your guns. They join teams with Jake Day and Manure Bota in talking about more gun laws.

    When you have Republicans agreeing to gun confiscation it is over for this country.

    1. Why would it be 9ver. If you turn on the Republicans you won't be able to own a toy gun. Just ask AOC.

  7. Biden is a uniter,...Trump is a divider. We need to bring our COunty together

    1. Who is Trump diving? People who don't want to import gangs from people who do? People want illegal drugs imported from the people who don't care? People who are trafficing children from people who want it stopped? This country has a right to accept the people who want to do things legally.

    2. Obama Crooked BastardoAugust 9, 2019 at 3:33 PM

      What? Sleepy Joe a Unifier?! Nah. Complicit in Criminal Enterprise? Yes. Oh, he did "unify" fellow Democ-rats to All in for giving free healthcare to Illegals. Yep, Party of of Democ-rats is totally unified on that, and they want us, the American Taxpayers to pay for it. And Sheeple keep cheering.

    3. 12:05 YOU are obviously a moron!

  8. LOCK HIM UP !!! Along with HILLARY

  9. 12.05 what needs to be brought together?

    How can this happen when the liberal have spent 20+ million on telling everyone how they hate Trump and conservatives.

    Our country has never been together. Reason, we are a country of diverse people, religions, cultures, sexual orientation. etc etc.

    What we need is term limits.

  10. What are you smoking. The Democrats are divided in their own party. Nadler is going around Pelsoi to start impeachment proceesings. I for one think it is a lie. It is just an abstraction tactic.

  11. DeadBeats & Sponges like him have cost our country
    Billions !!!!

    Make a Law so they can be FIRED immediatley Just like
    any other JOB in America !!!!

  12. Nice DART Board !!!! LOL

  13. H e is Full of Alztimers !!! & Demon-incha !!! Toast

  14. Go Back to SLEEEEP !!!!! SLEEEPY

  15. Old geezer needs to retire and leave America alone.


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